Clear Fishing Inc Apps

Рыбалка Lite 2.0
Данное приложение является бесплатной версиейприложения «Рыбалка - Clear Fishing», в которой начинающие рыболовысмогут найти 72 статьи с четко отструктурированной и легкоосваиваемой информацией.Узнайте:- что предусматривает первая рыболовная снасть- 5 важных оснасток (пошаговое объяснение с картинками итекстом)- 3 часто используемые узла (пошаговые инструкции)- где и как можно словить 3 из самых популярных видов пресноводныхрыб (ареал, зоны где искать, необходимая снасть, эффективныеприманки и/или наживки)- лучшие места на стоячей воде и на течении- 3 результативные пресноводные приманки (применение, объект ловли,преимущества, недостатки, советы и секреты для каждой приманки)В категории «Техники ловли» представлены 3 из техник промераглубины, огрузки и правильного заброса для всех дисциплин ловли, сдобавлением объяснительных картинок и видео.«Коробка» представлена в виде картинки и включает 6 статей,являясь практически возможным вариантом распределения рыболовныхаксессуаров в коробке.В кактегории «Снасть» найдете 45 статей с картинками, которыеобъясняют анатомию крючка, катушки и удилища, их характеристики итипы. Также, здесь найдете решение для первой рыболовнойснасти.В категории «Советы и секреты» есть 3 полезных информаций дляуспешной рыбалки, от опытных рыболовов.В полной версии приложения можете узнать, как можно ловить 30важных видов пресноводных рыб, а остальные категории содержат болееобширную информацию о техниках ловли, оснастках, узлах, приманках,прикормках и т.д.Предлагаем Вам ознакомиться и с остальными приложениями от ".Они содержат тчательно отструктурированную информацию, котораяпоможет Вам добиться больших успехов на рыбалке.This application is afree version of the app "Fishing - Clear Fishing», in which thenovice anglers will find 72 articles clearly and easily masteredotstrukturirovannoy information.Read:- That provides the first fishing tackle- 5 important snap (step by step explanation with pictures andtext)- 3 frequently used node (step by step)- Where and how to catch the 3 of the most popular species offreshwater fish (habitat zones where to look, tackle, lures and /or bait)- The best places in the standing water on the course and- 3 productive freshwater bait (use, to catch, advantages,disadvantages, tips and secrets for each bait)In the category of "fishing technique" are 3 of the techniquessoundings, ogruzki and proper casting for all disciplines offishing, with the addition of explanatory pictures and videos."Box" is presented in the form of pictures and includes 6 items,as a practical example of the distribution of fishing accessoriesin the box.In kaktegorii "Tackle" will find 45 articles with pictures thatexplain the anatomy of the hook, rod and reel, theircharacteristics and types. Also, here you will find a solution forthe first fishing tackle.In the category of "Tips and Tricks" has 3 useful informationfor successful fishing, from experienced anglers.In the full version you can find out how to catch the 30important species of freshwater fish, and the remaining categoriescontain a wealth of information on fishing techniques, rigs, knots,baits, bait, etc.We offer you to familiarize yourself with the rest of theapplications. "They contain tchatelno otstrukturirovannuyuinformation that will help you achieve great success on a fishingtrip.
Карповая ловля 2.0
Карповая ловляОписание: «Карповая ловля» является рыболовным справочникомClear Fishing, который содержит подробную информацию о снастях,прикормках, наживках, лесках, узлах, техниках ловли, советы имножество секретов.Первое румынское приложение и, в то же время, самоесодержательная в мире, посвященное исключительно ловле карпа.Данное приложение охватывает все важные аспекты ловли карпа:изготовление и использование снастей, узлы, выбор крючков исвинцовых грузил, наживки и прикормки, удилища, катушки, основнаялеска или поводок, застежки и кольца, подставки и сигнализаторы,содержание набора, палатки и постели, карповые маты, техникаприкормки, техника ловли, советы и секреты и т.д.Единственное в мире приложение, которое содержит всю основнуюинформацию о практике ловли карпа. Имея в арсенале данноеприложение, любой новичок сможет самостоятельно собрать нужныйнабор, завязать крючки и сделать снасти, сможет сам выбрать наживкуи прикормку. Более опытные рыбаки смогут расширить арсенал своихпознаний, чтобы попробовать более эффективные методы. Этоприложение составляли специалисты по ловле карпа.Оснастка:Огромное количество оснасток для карповой ловли, предлагаемыхспециализированными журналами, было сокращено нашими специалистамидо 10 основных видов, которые подходят практически для всехситуаций на рыбалке: простая волосяная оснастка, оснастка«снеговик» с коминированной леской, комбинированная оснастка,оснастка blow-back, оснастка с кольцом для опарышей, оснастка D,оснастка 360, оснастка Zig, оснастка Chod и оснастка KD.Узлы:9 основных видов узлов, используемых в рыбалке на карпа: узел безузла, усовершенствованный узел Клинч, узел Олбрайт и т.д.Приманки и наживки:Все основные виды приманок и наживок от пелетсов и бойлов дозерновых прикормок и мотыля, их применение и основныепроизводители.Крючки:Описание основных видов крючков для ловли карпа: curve shank, longshank, wide gape, choddy и curve long shank, а также иххарактеристики, способы применения и основные производители.Лески:Материалы для поводков, шнуры с оболочкой, мягкие плетеные шнуры,монофильная леска, флуорокарбон, лидкор, шок-лидер, описаниепреимуществ и недостатков каждого, а также рассказывается о том,как их применять, об основных производителях и ценах.Грузила:Грузила Grippa, грузила с вертлюжком, грузила in-line (скользящие)и т.д., здесь представлены их характеристики, преимущества,недостатки и применение.Удилище:Виды удилищ для карповой ловли, строй, мощность и длина,использование, основные производители и цены представлены в этомразделе.Катушка:Основные компоненты катушки для ловли карпа, детальные изображения,целый раздел посвящен описанию характеристик катушки, цены ипроизводителей.Дополнительная оснастка:От застежек и колец, клипс, игл и стопоров насадок, растворимыхматериалов (ПВА) и свинцовой пасты, до коробок и ножниц,представляем на Ваше обозрение все аксессуары, используемые дляизготовления и хранения оснастки.Палатки, постели и спальные мешки:Что мы должны знать, когда покупаем их, кто является основнымипроизводителями и какова разница в цене.Техника рыбной ловли и способы прикармливания:Очень полезный раздел для подготовлению к рыбалке и выбора места наводоёме.Советы и секреты:Потребовалась вся наша настойчивость (и даже угрозы :)) чтобывыудить у наших специалистов самые полезные советы для простыхрыболовов. Следуйте им, и Вас ждет успех!Приложение является продуктом румынского происхождения,выпускаемый на мировом рынке под маркой Clear Fishing на немецком,французком и английском языках.Более подробную информацию о бренде Clear Fishing можете узнатьна сайте http://www.clearfishing.comCarp fishingDescription: "Carp Fishing" is a fishing guide Clear Fishing,which contains detailed information about the gear, bait, bait,fishing line, knots, fishing techniques, tips and a lot ofsecrets.The first Romanian application and, at the same time, the mostmeaningful in the world dedicated exclusively to fishing for carp.This application covers all the important aspects of carp fishing:the production and use of gear units, the choice of lead sinkersand hooks, bait, bait, rods, reels, fishing line or main lead,buckles and rings, coasters and signaling, maintenance kit, tentsand beds carp mats, equipment bait fishing technique, tips andsecrets, etc.The world's only application that contains all the basicinformation about the practice of catching carp. With the arsenalof the application, and any new entrant will be able toself-assemble the right set, tie hooks and make tackles, he will beable to choose the bait and bait. More experienced anglers will beable to expand their arsenal of knowledge to try more effectivemethods. This application is made by experts on fishing forcarp.Attachments:A huge number of rigs for carp fishing offered by specializedmagazines, our experts have been reduced to 10 major species thatare suitable for almost all fishing situations: simple the hairaccessories, snap "snowman" with kominirovannoy fishing line,combined rigging, rigging blow-back, snap with a ring for maggots,rigging D, tooling 360, rigging Zig, equipment and accessories ChodKD.Nodes:9 basic types of knots used in fishing for carp: a node without ahost, the improved clinch knot, Albright knot, etc.Lures and bait:All major types of baits and lures and baits from peletsov tocereal baits and waders, their application and the mainproducers.Hooks:Description of the main types of hooks for carp: curve shank, longshank, wide gape, choddy and curve long shank, and theircharacteristics, methods of application and the main producers.Fishing Lines:Materials for leashes, cords with a shell, soft braided cord,monofilament fishing line fluorokarbon, lidkor, shock-leader, adescription of the advantages and disadvantages of each, andexplains how to use them, the main producers and prices.Weights:Sinkers Grippa, with swivel sinkers, sinkers in-line (moving),etc., here are their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages andapplications.Rod:Types of fishing rods for carp fishing, system, capacity andlength, use, major producers and the prices are presented in thissection.Coil:The main components of the reel for carp fishing, detailed images,a whole section is devoted to describing the characteristics of thecoil, prices and manufacturers.Additional accessories:From fasteners, rings, clips, needles and tips stoppers, solublematerials (PVA) and lead paste, to boxes and scissors, present toyour review all the accessories used for the manufacture andstorage of equipment.Tents, sleeping bags and bed:What we need to know when to buy them, who are the main producersand what is the difference in price.Technique of fishing and feeding methods:A very useful section for those prepared to fishing and siteselection on the pond.Tips and Tricks:It took all our persistence (and even threats :)) to extract fromour experts the most useful tips for simple fishermen. Follow themand you will succeed!The application is a product of Romanian origin, available onthe world market under the brand name Clear Fishing in German,French and English.For more information about the brand Clear Fishing can find onthe site
Pescuit Sportiv 3.0
Pescuit Sporiv - Clear Fishing este oaplicatie adresata pescarilor incepatori sau celor maiexperimentati care vor sa prinda noi specii. Afla cum poti capturacele mai importante 30 de specii de pesti de apa dulce:-in ce locuri le gasesti-cu ce tehnici le prinzi,-monturile, nadele si momelile eficace-nodurile si echipamentele necesare-sfaturi si secrete pretioase.Iata mai pe larg ce contine aplicatia in cele 9 capitole:Pesti33 de specii de pesti de apa dulce prezentate fiecare cucaracteristicile, arealul, locurile unde pot fi capturate,tehnicile recomandate, momelile si nalucile prinzatoare,echipamentele necesare etc.Nade si momeliCele mai importante nade si momeli folosite in pescuitul de apadulce.MonturiAlege rapid montura potrivita din cele 20 prezentate folosindcodul nostru de culori. Monturile acopera principalele tehnici depescuit: pe rauri sau balti, la undita, cu lanseta pe fund sau lapluta, la rapitori cu naluci sau momeli naturale, la feeder, lacrap.Explicam clar, pas cu pas, cu imagini, cum se realizeaza fiecaremontura. In plus, fiecare articol arata unde si cand se folosestemontura, cu ce momeli, avanatejele si dezavanatejele ei. La final,o serie de sfaturi si secrete.NoduriPescari cu experienta si rezultate in competiti au ales, dinzecile de noduri folosite in pescuitul sportiv, 7 care acoperamajoritatea situatiilor. Prezentam pas cu pas, cu desene clare,modul de realizare al fiecaruia.Tehnici de pescuitIti aratam 8 tehnici esentiale in pescuitul sportiv: masurareaadancimii, lestarea corecta a plutei, metoda de pescuit la pluta pelat, metoda de pescuit la pluta pe cadere, metoda de pescuit lataras, nadirea cu prastia, lansarea peste cap. Imaginile insotitede explicatii te vor ajuta sa le inveti pe fiecare.Lansarea peste cap, cea mai folosita tehnica de aruncare culanseta, este explicata cu animatii video originale (cu segmente inslow motion), desene, fotografii si texte. Vei putea invata cum saexecuti aceasta tehnica esentiala, atat cu echipamentul despinning, cat si cu cel de baitcasting.TrusaTrusa unui pescar este mult mai complicata si incapatoare decatposeta oricarei femei. 27 de articole cu imagini te vor ajuta saintelegi ce trebuie sa contina trusa ta. Iti propunem chiar si osolutie de organizare, cu ajutorul unei truse fotografiate in carefiecare element este clickabil si te duce intr-un articol.EchipamentEchipamentul folosit in pescuit a ajuns sa fie foartesofisticat. 58 de articole cu ilustratii clare explica anatomiacarligului, unditei, lansetei si mulinetei, caracteristicile sitipurile fiecareia. Iti propunem solutii clare pentru:-primul echipament-echipamente dedicate pescuitului pe rau sau pe balta, la pluta saupe fundul apei-echipament de crap, feeder sau rapitori-echipament de spinning sau baitcastingApeArticole cu ilustratii despre cele mai bune locuri de pescuit incele doua tipuri de ape (statoare si curgatoare).Sfaturi si secreteInformatii importante pentru succesul unei partide de pescuit siprogresul carierei tale de pescar.Daca vrei informatii mai ample despre tehnici de pescuit, monturi,momeli, nade, fire, noduri, sfaturi si secrete, descopera sicelelalte aplicatii lansate international sub marca Clear Fishing.Am conceput si structurat informatiile cu grija, pentru ca tu sa aimai mult succes in viitoarele partide de pescuit.Clear Fishing este marca internationala a Picnic Media.Picnic Media este operatorul revistei de pescuit nr.1 dinRomania – Aventuri la pescuit/ Pescuit pur si simplu, al celui maimare targ de pescuit din tara Expo Aventuri la pescuit sivanatoare/ Expo Pescuit pur si simplu, al unei serii de 21 deghiduri de pescuit de succes national, al siturilor si Fishing - FishingClear is an application addressed to beginners or the moreexperienced anglers who want to catch new species. Learn how tocapture the most important 30 species of freshwater fish:-in which places you find-with what techniques you catch,-monturile, effective baits and lures-nodurile and equipment needed-Tips and precious secret.Here's more detail in the application that contains 9chapters:Fish33 freshwater fish species presented each with characteristics,habitat, places where they can be captured recommended techniques,baits and lures prinzatoare, necessary equipment etc.Baits and luresThe most important fishing baits and lures used infreshwater.MountsQuickly choose the right mount of the 20 submitted using ourcode of colors. Mount covering the main fishing techniques: therivers and ponds, the rod, bottom longline or raft, the kidnapperslure or natural bait, the feeder, the carp.Clearly explained, step by step, with pictures, as is done eachmount. In addition, each article shows where and when using themount, what baits and dezavanatejele avanatejele them. Finally, anumber of tips and secrets.NodesFishermen experienced and results in competitiveness chose fromdozens of nodes used in angling 7 that covers most situations.Step-by-step, with clear drawings, the embodiment of everyone.Fishing Techniques8 shows you the essential techniques in sport fishing: Depth,correct ballasting cork, cork fishing method on wide raft fishingmethod falling, crawling fishing method, nadir slingshot launch thehead. Images accompanied by explanations will help you learneach.Launch upside, the most common technique throwing rod is explainedwith original video animations (with segments in slow motion),drawings, photographs and texts. You will learn how to execute thistechnique essential, both with spinning equipment, and with thebaitcasting.KitA fisherman kit is more complicated and spacious than anywoman's purse. 27 items with images will help you understand whatyour kit should contain. We propose a solution even organizationalphotographed using a kit in which each element is clickable andtakes you into an article.EquipmentThe equipment used in fishing has become very sophisticated. 58items with clear illustrations explain anatomy hook, fishing rod,rod and reel, characteristics and types of each. We are proposingclear solutions for:-first equipment-equipment dedicated to fishing on the river or pond, the cork oron the bottom-Equipment carp feeder or predatory-Equipment spinning or baitcastingApeArticles with illustrations about the best fishing spots in thetwo types of water (static and flowing).Tips and SecretsImportant for a successful fishing trips and progress yourcareer fisherman.If you extensive information about fishing techniques, rigs, lures,baits, wires, nodes, tips and secrets, discover and otherapplications launched by Clear Fishing. We designed and structuredinformation carefully, for you to have more success in futurefishing trips.Clear Fishing is worldwide brand of Picnic Media.Picnic Media is fishing magazine No.1 operator in Romania -Adventures Fishing / Fishing simply the largest fair in the countryExpo Fishing Adventures Fishing and hunting / fishing Expo simplyof a series of 21 national successful fishing guides, the siteswww.aventuri and
Рыбалка - Clear Fishing 2.0
Рыбалка - Clear Fishing – приложение дляначинающих и более опытных рыболовов, которые хотят поймать новыевиды рыб. Узнайте как можно ловить 30 главных видов пресноводныхрыб:-в каких местах нужно искать-какими техниками ловить-эффективные оснастки, прикормки и приманки-необходимые снасти и узлы-ценные советы и секрет.Краткое содержание приложения:Виды рыб30 видов пресноводных рыб с характеристиками, ареалом, местами,где можно ловить, рекомендуемыми техниками, уловистыми наживками иприманками, необходимыми снастями и т.д.Прикормки и приманкиГлавные прикормки и приманки, используемые в пресноводнойловле.ОснасткиВыберите быстро подходящую оснастку, из представленных 20,используя наш цветовой код. Оснастки охватывают основные техникиловли: на стоячей воде или на течениим, поплавочная удочка, матч,донная ловля, фидер, спиннинг, карповая ловля и т.д.Ясные пошаговые инструкции с картинками для каждой оснастки. Ктому же, в каждой статье найдете где и когда использовать оснастку,с какими насадками, ее преимущества и недостатки. В конце, сериясоветов и секретов.УзлыОпытные рыболовы, участвующие в спортивных рыболовныхсоревнованиях, выбрали из десятков узлов 7 из них, которыеприменяются в большинстве ситуациях. Пошаговая инструкция вязаниявлючена.Техники ловлиПредлагаем Вам 8 основных техник ловли: промер глубины,правильная огрузка поплавка, ужение лифт-методом («на подъем») ,медленное погружение насадки, метод троттинг (в проводку),прикармливание рогаткой, заброс над головой и ловля с растворимымимешочками. Сопровождающие статьи картинки помогут Вам освоитькаждую из них.Заброс над головой, самая применяемая техника заброса,представлен оригинальными видео роликами (с замедленными частями),картинками, фотографиями и текстом. Сможете освоить этот заброс каксо спиннинговой снастью, так и с байткастинговой.КоробкаРыболовная коробка более сложная и вместительная чем любаяженская сумочка. 27 статей с изображениями помогут тебе понять, чтодолжно находиться в коробке. Предлагаем также вариант распределенияпринадлежностей, посредством сфотографированной коробки, элементыкоторой открывают соответственную статью.СнастьСовременные рыболовные снасти стали довольно навороченными. 58статьи с четкими изображениями объясняют анатомию крючка, удилища,катушки, повлавочной удочки, их характеристики и типы поотдельности. Предлагаем варианты для:-первая снасть-снасть для ловли на течении или на стоячей воде, поплавочная илидонная снасть-карповая, фидерная или спиннинговая снасть-спиннинговая или байкастинговая снастьВодоемыСтатьи с картинками с лучшими рыболовными местами двух основныхтипов водоемов: со стоячей водой или с наличием течения.Советы и секретыВажная информация для успешной рыбалки и для развития Вашейрыболовной карьеры.Если хотите узнать больше информации о техниках рыбной ловли, обоснастках, наживках, прикормках, лесках, узлах откройте для себя иостальные приложения, представленные на международном рынке подмаркой Clear Fishing. Мы тщательно отобрали и отструктурировалиинформацию, чтобы Вы могли радоваться более успешным рыбалкам.Fishing - Clear Fishing -application for beginners and more experienced anglers who want tocatch a new species of fish. Learn how you can catch the 30 majorspecies of freshwater fish:-The places where you need to lookWhat-catching techniques-Efficient equipment, bait and lures-Necessary gear and knots-Valuable tips and secret.Blurb Mobile App:Fishes30 freshwater fish species with characteristics habitat, placeswhere you can fish, recommended techniques, baits and lurescatchability, tackle, etc.Bait and luresTop bait and bait used in freshwater fishing.SnapSelect a suitable fast snap of 20 submitted using our colorcode. Snap cover basic techniques of fishing: on standing water orover, float fishing rod, match, bottom fishing, feeder, spinning,carp fishing, etc.Clear step by step instructions with pictures for each snap. Inaddition, each article you can find where and when to use a snapwith any attachments, its advantages and disadvantages. In the end,a series of tips and tricks.NodesExperienced anglers participating in sport fishing competitions,chosen from dozens of units 7 of them, which are used in mostsituations. Includes step by step instructions knitting.Art of catchingWe offer you 8 basic techniques of fishing: measure the depth,right ogruzka float angling lift method ("on the rise"), slowimmersion nozzle method Trotting (in wiring), complementary feedingslingshot, throw over his head and catching with soluble pouches.Pictures accompanying article will help you to master each ofthem.Throw over the head of the most used technique of casting,presents original video clips (with slower parts), images, photosand text. Be able to master this cast as with spinning tackle, andwith baytkastingovoy.BoxFishing box more complex and capacious than any woman's handbag.27 articles with images will help you to understand what should bein the box. We also offer the option distribution accessories,photographed by the box, the elements of which open according tothe article.Fishing tackleModern fishing gear have become quite heaped. 58 articles withcrisp images explain the anatomy of the hook, rods, reels, fishingrods povlavochnoy, their characteristics and types separately. Weoffer options for:-First tackle-Tackle for fishing during or standing water, float or bottomgear-Carp, feeder or spinning tackle-Or spinning tackle baykastingovayaBodiesArticles with pictures with the best fishing spots in two basictypes of reservoirs: standing water or the presence of flow.Tips and TricksImportant information for successful fishing and fishing for thedevelopment of your career.If you want to learn more about the techniques of fishing, onrigs, baits, bait, fishing line, nodes discover and otherapplications are presented to the international market under thebrand name Clear Fishing. We have carefully selected andotstrukturirovali information so that you can enjoy a moresuccessful fishing.
Pescuit Crap 5.0
Pescuit Crap este un ghid Aventuri la pescuit,brandul media numarul 1 in pescuitul sportiv din Romania, cecontine detalii despre monturi, momeli, nade, fire, noduri,tehnici, sfaturi si multe secrete.Prima aplicatie romaneasca si totdodata cea mai cuprinzatoareaplicatie din lume dedicata exclusiv pescuitului la crap. Aplicatiaacopera toate aspectele importante ale pescuitului la crap:realizarea si folosirea monturilor, noduri, alegerea carligelor sia montajelor de plumb, momeli si nade, lansete, mulinete, fireprincipale sau pentru forfac, agrafe si anouri, suporti siavertizori, componenta trusei, corturi si paturi, saltele dereceptie, tehnici de nadire, tehnici de pescuit, sfaturi si secreteetcSingura aplicatie din lume care prezinta toata informatiaesentiala practicarii pescuitului la crap. Avand aceasta aplicatiein mana orice novice isi poate constitui singur trusa, poate legacarligele si realiza monturile, poate alege singur nada si momeala.Pescarii mai avansati isi vor extinde arsenalul de cunostintepentru a putea aborda mai eficace situatiile din teren.Specialistii in pescuitul la crap au scris-o.Monturi :Prezentam aplicabilitatea, componentele si modul de realizare pepasi a unui numar generos de monturi si montaje, care acoperapractic toate situatiile de pescuit: montura simpla fir de par,montura snowman fir combi, montura combi, montura blow-back,montura sir/inel de viermusi, montura D, montura 360, montura Zig,montura Chod și montura KD, Montura de pescuit pe suprafata ladistanta/scurta, Montaj cu momitor pe segment de leadcore .Noduri:Principalele 9 tipuri de noduri folosite in pescuiul la crap:nodul fara nod, nodul clinch imbunatatit, nodul Albright etc.Nade si momeli :Toate tipurile principale de nade si momeli de la pelete siboiliesuri la seminte si larve de chironomide aplicabilitatea lorsi principalii producatori.Carlige :Prezentarea principalelor tipuri de carlige pentru crap : curveshank, long shank, wide gape, choddy si curve long shank avandcaracteristicile, aplicabilitatea si principalii producatori.Fire :Firele de forfac, fire camasa, fire textile suple,monofilamentul, fluorocarbonul, leadcore-ul, firele de inaintassunt descrise avantajele si dezavantajele fiecaruia, unde esteindicata folosirea lor, producatorii principali si preturilelor.Plumbi :Plumbii Grippa, plumbii de distanta vartej, plumbii de distantain-line etc sint prezentati avand caracteristicile, avantajele,dezavantajele si aplicabilitatea lor.Lanseta :Tipurile de lansete folosite in pescuitul la crap, actiunea,puterea si lungimea, utilizarea lor, principalii producatori sipreturile sint prezentate in aceasta sectiune.Mulineta :Principalele componente ale mulinetei de crap, ilustrate avanddetalii fotografice si o sectiune despre caracteristicilemulinetei, preturi si producatori.Accesorii monturi :De la agrafe si anouri, clipsuri, crosete si opritoare demomeala, materiale solubile (PVA) si pasta de plumb pina la plute,penar si foarfeca, va prezentam toate accesoriile folosite inrealizarea si pastrarea monturilor.Corturi, paturi si saci de dormit :Ce trebuie sa stim cand le cumparam, care sunt principaliiproducatori si intervalul de preturi.Tehnici de pescuit si de nadire :O sectiune foarte utila pe balta si in etapa de pregatire apartidei de pescuit.Sfaturi si secrete :A fost nevoie de multe insistente (si amenintari :)) pentru ascoate de la specialistii nostri sfaturile cele mai folositoarepescarilor obisnuiti. Urmati-le si veti avea succes!Aplicatia este un produs romanesc lansat si international submarca Clear Fishing in limbile germana si engleza.Despre Aventuri la pescuit, brandul media numarul 1 in pescuitulsportiv din Romania, puteti afla mai multe
Sportangeln 2.0
Sportangeln von Clear Fishing ist eineLern-App rund ums Angeln im Süßwasser, die wir in erster Linie fürdie Anfänger im Angelsport entwickelt haben. Sie eignet sich auchfür Angler, die schon Erfahrung mit dem Sportfischen haben und sichfür neue Zielfische interessieren.Lernen Sie mithilfe unseres Ratgebers, wie man erfolgreich über 30der wichtigsten Angelfische im Süßwasser fängt, darunter Karpfen,Zander, Hecht, Wels, Barsch, Döbel und viele andere spannendeFried- und Raubfische.Erfahren Sie:• Wie man sie lokalisieren kann,• mit welchen Methoden und Techniken sie beangelt werden,• welche die fängigsten Montagen, Köder und Futtersortensind,• wie man die jeweils passende Ausrüstung zusammenstellt,• wie man die wichtigsten Knoten bindet.Bonus: wertvolle Tipps, Tricks und Hinweise unserer Redakteure.Hier eine detailliertere Inhaltsangabe der neun umfangreichenKapitel:Zielfische:Unsere Fisch-Fibel enthält für jeden der über 30 Fische jeweilsBeschreibungen mit Erkennungsmerkmalen, Infos über ihr Vorkommen,Tipps zum Lokalisieren der Standorte, Empfehlungen fürAngelmethoden, Techniken,Köder und passende Ausrüstungen.Köder und FutterEine Einführung in die wichtigsten Natur- und Kunstköder, die imSüßwasserangeln zum Einsatz kommen.MontagenTreffen Sie mithilfe unseres smarten Farbcodes eine schnelleAuswahl aus 20 Montagen, die alle wichtigen Angelbereiche abdecken:Stippen, Grundangeln, Posenangeln, Raubfisch, Karpfen, Feedern, inFlüssen oder Stillgewässern.Jede einzelne mit einer anschaulichen und illustriertenSchritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung.KnotenAngelprofis haben aus Hunderten die acht nützlichsten Angelknotenausgesucht, die Sie mithilfe der Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungenschnell erlernen können.AngeltechnikenWir bieten Ihnen hier acht Techniken aus verschiedenen Bereichendes Sportangelns, die für einen vielseitigen Angler unentbehrlichsind. Mit klaren Anleitungen lernen Sie:- wie man richtig auslotet,- Posen richtig bebleit,- wie man mit der Pose in drei verschiedenen englischen Stilenangelt,- wie man mit der Schleuder anfüttert,- wie mit PVA-Material geangelt wird,- wie Sie einen Anhieb richtig setzen und richtig drillen,- sowie die perfekte Wurftechnik mit Spinn- und Baitcastruten.Diese Lektion enthält eine Videoanimation, die Sie auch in Zeitlupesehen können.AngeltascheEgal was der Volksmund sagt, die Tasche eines Anglers oder einerAnglerin ist umfangreicher und besser organisiert als jedeDamenhandtasche. In 27 Artikel zeigen wir Ihnen, was unbedingt ineine gut bestückte Tasche hineingehört. Jeder Artikel enthältErläuterungen, wenn Sie ihn anklicken.AusrüstungIn 58 illustrierten Artikeln erklären wir Ihnen verständlich,worauf es bei Rute, Stippe, Rolle und Haken im Detail ankommt,Bauteil für Bauteil. Außerdem finden Sie hier Empfehlungenfür:- Ihre allererste Angelausrüstung,- Ausrüstungen nach Gewässertyp (Fließ- und Stillgewässer), nachMethode (Feeder, Posen- oder Grundangeln) und nach Zielfisch(Karpfen, Raubfisch).GewässerZwei illustrierte Einführungen in die Besonderheiten derAngelplätze in Still- und Fließgewässern.Tipps und HinweiseDas ist unser Ratgeber, wie man einen Angelausflug von Anfang anstressfrei und erfolgreich gestalten kann. Außerdem haben wir fürSie die Prinzipien des waidgerechten Angelns in praktische Hinweiseübersetzt.Entdecken Sie auch andere Apps, die von Clear Fishing entwickeltwurden!Wir haben viele erfolgreiche Anwendungen in unserem Portfolio,die sich ausschließlich dem Angeln widmen und in mehreren Sprachenzum Download bereitstehen.Alle enthalten ausführliche Anleitungen zu Angeltechniken,Methoden, Montagen, Knoten, Tipps und Tricks. Wir bieten Ihnensorgfältig recherchierte Informationen, damit Sie noch mehr Freudean Ihrem wunderbaren Hobby haben.Clear Fishing ist ein internationales Markenzeichen von PicnicMedia.Sport Fishing by ClearFishing is a learning app around fishing in fresh water, which wehave developed primarily for the beginners in fishing. It is alsosuitable for anglers who already have experience with the sportfishing and are looking for new target fish.Learn using our guidebook on how to successfully captures over 30of the most important fishing in freshwater fish, including carp,perch, pike, catfish, perch, chub and many other exciting coarseand predator fish.Learn:• How you can locate them,• the methods and techniques they are fished,• what the most catchy montages, bait and food are,• how to put together each appropriate equipment,• how to tie the most important nodes.Bonus: valuable tips, tricks and hints of our editors.Here is a more detailed summary of the nine comprehensivechapters: Target fish:Our fish Primer contains for each of the 30 fish in each casedescriptions with identifying features, information about theiroccurrence, tips for locating the locations, recommendations forfishing methods, techniques, bait and appropriate equipment.Bait and feedAn introduction to the most important natural and artificial baitsthat come in fresh water fishing used.MondaysMeet using our smart color codes a quick selection of 20assemblies, covering all the important fishing areas: specks,bottom fishing, float fishing, predatory fish, carp, feederfishing, in rivers or still waters.Each individual with a vivid and illustrated step-by-stepguide.NodeFishing professionals have chosen out of hundreds the eight mostuseful fishing knots that you can use to learn the step-by-stepinstructions quickly.Fishing techniquesWe provide eight techniques from different areas of the sportfishing, which are indispensable for a wide range of anglers. Withclear instructions, you will learn:- Explores how to properly- Poznan bebleit properly- How to fish with the pose in three different Englishstyles,- How to anfüttert with the sling,- As fished with PVA material,- How do you set a right first time and drill properly,- And the perfect casting technique with spinning andBaitcastruten. This lesson includes a video animation that you cansee in slow motion.Fishing bagNo matter what the saying goes, the bag of an angler or angler ismore extensive and better organized than any ladies handbag. In 27articles, we show you what to put part necessarily in awell-stocked bag. Each article contains explanations when you clickon it. EquipmentIn 58 illustrated articles we will tell you of course, what isimportant in Rute, gravy, roll and hook in detail, component forcomponent. You will also find recommendations for:- Your very first fishing equipment,- Equipment type of water (flow and pond), according to method(feeder, float or bottom fishing) and by target fish (carp,predator). WatersTwo illustrated introductions to the specifics of fishing spotsstill and running waters.Tips and HintsThis is our guide, how to make a fishing trip from the startstress-free and successful. We have also translated for theprinciples of waidgerechten fishing in practical advice.Explore other apps that have been developed by ClearFishing!We have many successful applications in our portfolio that arededicated exclusively to fishing and are available in severallanguages ​​for download.All contain detailed instructions for fishing techniques, methods,assemblies, knots, tips and tricks. We offer carefully researchedinformation, so you have even more enjoyment of your favoritehobbies.Clear Fishing is an international trademark of Picnic Media.
Pêche Carpe 3.0
Pêche Carpe est actuellement le guide de pêcheà la carpe le plus compréhensible disponible sur la plupart des appstores.Cette application couvre de nombreux aspects de la pêche à lacarpe: la construction et les applications des montages, lesnoeuds, les types d’hameçons, les système de plombs, les appâts,les cannes et les moulinets, les fils, les accessoires, les rodpods et les détecteurs detouche, les tentes et les bedchairs, les tapis de réception et lessacs de pesée, les techniques d’amorçage, les trucs et astucesetc.Pêche Carpe a pour but de vous fournir toutes les informationsnécessaires afin de capturer un maximum de carpes. Guidé par cetteapplication, un pêcheur débutant pourra se créer une boîte depêche, sélectionner et nouer les bas de ligne adaptés, construiredes montages, choisir le bon amorçage et la bonne esche pour ciblerles carpes.Les pêcheurs intermédiaires pourront apprendre de nouvelleschoses leur permettant d’approcher certaines situations de pêchesplus efficacement. Pêche Carpe fut développée par des carpistesexperts européens, des journalistes et des programmeurs.Les montages :Le nombre impressionnant de montages qu'il est possible de trouverdans les différents magazines de pêche à la carpe fut résumé en 10montages essentiels par nos spécialistes. Ils couvrent pratiquementtoutes les situations de pêche qu'on peut rencontrer: le montage aucheveu classique, le montage bonhomme de neige, le Blowback Rig, leMaggot Rig, le D-Rig, le montage 360, le Chod Rig, le Zig Rig et leKD Rig. Des instructions claires et illustrées vous montrentcomment construire correctement chacun de ces montages et commentles utiliser. De prochaines mises à jour rajouteront certains casparticuliers ou encore des montages plus spécifiques.Les systèmes de plombs:Cette section vous apprend comment sélectionner et construire lesystème de plomb adapté, que ce soit le clip plomb (aussi appeléSafety Clip), le montage hélicoptère (Chod Rig) ou encore lemontage In-line. Il y a de nombreux types de systèmes de plombs surle marché, mais la plupart d’entre eux sont des variantes desmontages cités ci-dessus. Les mises à jour vous présenterontcertaines de ces variations.Les noeuds:Les 9 noeuds principalement utilisés pour la pêche à la carpe: Lenoeud sans noeud, Le noeud cuillère, Le noeud Albright, Le noeudGrinner, Le noeud Palomar, Le noeud de Trilène, Le nœud du Pendu,le nœud de boucle Dropper et le nœud Baril.Les appâts:La majeure partie des appâts, des pellets aux bouillettes et desparticules (graines) aux vers de vase est présentée avec denombreux détails sur les utilisations et les différentesmarquesconnues.Les cannes:Les types de cannes utilisées pour la pêche à la carpe, leursprincipales caractéristiques (action, puissance et longueur)expliquées, mais également des conseils sur les fabricants, lesgammes de prix et quelle type de canne choisir.Les moulinets:Les composants du moulinet (avec des photos de chaque partie), lescaractéristiques, les fabricants et les gammes de prix.L’amorçage et les techniques de pêche:Cette section est très utile pour préparer une session de pêche oupour avoir de nouvelles idées d’approches pour pêcher.Trucs et astuces:Un très grand degré de persuasion a été utilisé pour soutirer cesquelques conseils de nos spécialistes. Suivez-les pour réussir!Pêche Carpe par Clear Fishing a été développé en Europe. Pourplus d’informations visitez: http://clearfishing.comCarp fishing is currentlythe guide to carp fishing the most comprehensive available on mostapp stores.This application covers many aspects of carp fishing: theconstruction and application of montages, knots, types of hooks,sinkers system, bait, rods and reels, son, accessories the rod podsand sensorskey, tents and bedchairs, landing mats and bags weighing techniquesboot, tips and tricks etc..Carp fishing is intended to provide you with all the informationneeded to capture a maximum of carp. Guided by this application, afisherman beginner may create a tackle box, select and develop theappropriate bottom line, building fixtures, choose the right bootand good bait for targeting carp.Intermediate anglers can learn new things allowing them toapproach certain situations fisheries more effectively. Carpfishing carp fishing was developed by European experts, journalistsand programmers.Mounts:The impressive number of assemblies that can be found in variousmagazines carp fishing was summarized in 10 key assemblies by ourspecialists. They cover almost all fishing situations that may beencountered: the classic hair mount, mounting snowman, the BlowbackRig, Maggot Rig on the D-Rig assembly 360, Chod Rig, Zig Rig and KDRig. Clear instructions and illustrated show you how to buildcorrectly each of these arrangements and how to use them. Of futureupdates will add some specific cases or more specific mounts.Systems of weights:This section teaches you how to select and build the systemsuitable lead, whether the clip lead (also called Safety Clip)mounting helicopter (Chod Rig) or in-line mounting. There are manytypes of pellet systems on the market, but most of them arevariants of the above arrangements. Updates will present some ofthese variations.Nodes:9 knots mainly used for carp fishing: Knotless node, node spoonnode Albright, The Grinner knot, The Palomar knot, the Trileneknot, the knot Hangman, the knot Dropper loop and node Baril.Bait:The majority of baits, pellets and boilies to particles (seeds) tobloodworms is presented with many details about the uses anddifferent brandsknown.Canes:Types of rods used for carp fishing, their main characteristics(action, power and length) explained, but also advice onmanufacturers, and price ranges to choose what type of cane.Reels:The components of the reel (with photos of each part),characteristics, manufacturers and price ranges.Priming and fishing techniques:This section is very useful for preparing a fishing session or toget new ideas for approaches to fish.Tips and tricks:A high degree of persuasion was used to extract these tips from ourexperts. Follow them to succeed!Carp fishing Fishing in Clear was developed in Europe. For moreinformation visit:
Pêche - Clear Fishing 2.0
Pêche – Clear Fishing est une applicationconçut pour les débutants, comme pour les pêcheurs expérimentés quicherche à capturer de nouvelles espèces d’eau douce. Découvrezcomment attraper les 33 plus importantes espèces de poisson d’eaudouce:- Ou les trouvez- Les techniques pour les attrapez- Les montages, leurres et appâts les plus efficaces- Le matériel et les nœuds nécessaires- De précieux conseils et des secretsVoici un survol des 9 sections de notre application:POISSONS33 espèces de poissons d’eau douce, avec leurs caractéristiquesindividuelles, leurs aires géographiques, les endroits où lesattraper, les techniques recommandées, les leurres et appâts, lematériel nécessaire, etc.APPÂTS ET LEURRESLes principaux leurres et appâts utilisés en pêche en eauxdouces.MONTAGESChoisir le bon montage parmi 22 choix à code de couleur. Lesmontages couvrent les principales techniques:-Pêche en rivière et lac-Pêche au coup traditionnelle-Pêche de fond-Pêche à l’anglaise-Pêche aux carnassiers-Pêche à la carpeDes instructions pas-à-pas clairs et des images qui vous montrentcomment concevoir correctement chaque montage. Chaque article vousmontre où et quand utiliser un montage particulier, quel appâtutiliser, et les avantages et inconvénients de chaque. Suivi d’unesérie d’astuces.NŒUDSDes pêcheurs de compétition expérimentés ont choisit 9 nœud sur ladouzaine utilisés dans la pêche sportive. Ces 9 nœuds couvrent laplupart des situations. Nous vous expliquons comment les réaliser,pas-à-pas à l’aide de diagrammes clairs.TECHNIQUES DE PÊCHENous vous présentons 10 techniques essentielles dans la pêchesportives:- Sondage- Equilibrage du flotteur- Pêcher à la «lift method», au flotteur à la descente, à la longuecoulée- Amorcer à l’aide d’une fronde- Lancer par dessus la tête- Ferrage- Lutter avec les poissonsDes illustrations claires et des instructions vous aideront àmaitriser chaque technique.Le lancer par-dessus la tête, la technique la plus commune delancer, est expliquée par des animations vidéo (avec des parties auralenti), diagrammes et textes.BOÎTE Á PÊCHELes 25 sections et les images qui les accompagnent vous aideront àcomprendre ce que votre boîte doit comprendre. Nous vousfournissons aussi une solution pour organiser votre boîte à l’aided’une photo d’une boîte dont chaque éléments est cliquable et vousemmène vers une section spécifique.MATÉRIELLe matériel de pêche est devenu très sophistiqué: 58 sectionsillustrées vous expliquent l’anatomie d’un hameçon, d’une canne,d’un moulinet et les caractéristiques et les différents types dechaque. Nous vous offrons des solutions simples pour:- Votre premier matériel de pêche- Du matériel adapté à la pêche en rivières ou en lacs, au flotteurou sur le fond- Du matériel pour les carpes, pêcher au feeder et pour lescarnassiers- Matériel de spinning ou baitcastingPOSTES DE PÊCHEUne section illustrée des meilleurs places pour pêcher dans lesdeux types d’eau – avec ou sans courant.TRUCS ET ASTUCESDes informations importantes pour le succès de votre session depêche et pour progresser comme pêcheur accomplit.Si vous désirez plus d’informations sur des techniques depêches, montages, leurres, appâts, lignes, nœuds etc. vous pouvezaussi examiner les autres applications de pêche lancés sous lamarque internationale Clear Fishing en 7 langues. Nous avons conçutet structuré les informations de manière rigoureuse pour vous aiderà ressentir durant vos sessions de pêche de meilleuressensations.Les applications Clear Fishing sont réalisées par une équipeconstituée de pêcheurs de compétition, consultants, journalistesspécialisés, des artistes graphiques, animateurs, photographes,éditeurs et programmateurs de plus de 7 pays différents. Depuis ces10 dernières années nous avons proposés aux pêcheurs: desmagazines, guides, compétitions et expositions, sites web,application pour téléphone, et bien plus.Fishing - Fishing Clearis an application designed for beginners as for experienced anglerslooking to capture new freshwater species. Discover how to catchthe 33 most important fish species of freshwater:- Or find- Techniques for the catch- Mounts, the most effective lures and baits- The necessary equipment and knots- Valuable tips and secretsHere is an overview of the nine sections of our application:FISH33 species of freshwater fish, with their individualcharacteristics, geographic areas, where catching the recommendedtechniques, lures and baits, materials required, etc.BAIT AND LUREThe main lures and bait used in freshwater fisheries.FIXTURESChoosing the right mounting among 22 choices to color code.Fixtures cover the main techniques:-Fishing In river and lake-Fishing The traditional shotBackground -Fishing-Fishing In English-Fishing Predator-Fishing CarpStep-by-step instructions and clear pictures that show you how todesign each timeline. Each article shows you where and when to usea particular installation, what bait to use, and the advantages anddisadvantages of each. Followed by a series of tricks.NODEExperienced competition Fishermen chooses 9 node dozen used insport fishing. These 9 knots cover most situations. We explain howto do the step-by-step with clear diagrams.FISHING TECHNIQUESWe present 10 essential techniques in sport fishing:- Poll- Balancing the float- Fishing in the "lift method", the float on the way down,eventually casting- Start with a slingshot- Start over your head- Shoeing- Fighting with fishClear illustrations and instructions will help you to mastereach technique.The throw over the head, the most common technique launch isexplained by video animations (with parts at idle), diagrams andtexts.BOX FOR FISHINGThe 25 sections and accompanying images will help you understandwhat your box should understand. We also provide a solution toorganize your box with a picture of a box in which each element isclickable and takes you to a specific section.EQUIPMENTFishing equipment has become very sophisticated: 58 illustratedsections explain the anatomy of a hook, a cane, a reel andcharacteristics and types of each. We offer simple solutionsfor:- Your first fishing equipment- From material suitable for fishing in rivers or lakes, the floator bottom- From material for carp fishing in feeder and carnivorous- Spinning or baitcasting equipmentFISHING ITEMSAn illustrated section of the best places to fish in the two typesof water - with or without current.TIPSInformation important to the success of your fishing session and toprogress as a fisherman does.If you want more information on fishing techniques, montages,lures, bait, lines, knots etc. you can also consider other fishingapplications launched under the international brand Clear Fishingin 7 languages. We have designed and rigorously structured theinformation to help you feel better feel during your fishingsessions.Clear Fishing applications are made by a team of match anglers,consultants, journalists, graphic artists, animators,photographers, editors and programmers over 7 different countries.For the past 10 years we have offered to the fishermen: magazines,guides, competitions and exhibitions, websites, phone application,and more.
Pêche - Clear Fishing Lite 1.0
Cette version gratuite est conçut pour lespêcheurs novices et vous propose 72 articles clair, bien structuréet facile à comprendre.Vous y trouverez:- Une solution pour votre premier matériel- 5 montages essentiels (expliqués à l’aide d’instructionspas-à-pas et d’illustrations)- 3 des nœuds de pêches les plus utilisés (instructions pas-à-paset d’illustrations)- Comment et où pêchez 3 des poissons les plus populaires d’eaudouce (variété, où les trouver, matériel, leurres et appâts,etc.)- Les meilleurs emplacements de pêche en rivières et en eaudouce- 3 des appâts les plus fructueux à employer en eau douce(utilisation, espèces visées, avantages, désavantages, astuces)La section «TECHNIQUES» propose 3 articles:- Comment sonder la profondeur- Comment plomber un flotteur- Comment effectuer le lancer par dessus la têteChacune de ces trois techniques est clairement et intuitivementexpliquées à l’aide de photos ou de vidéos explicite.La section «BOÎTE Á PÊCHE» utilise une illustration d’une boîteentièrement équipée pour vous présentez une solution pratique pourl’organisation de votre propre boîte et vous propose 6 articlesconcernant diverses pièces d’équipement.Dans la section «MATÉRIEL» vous trouverez 45 articles clairementillustrés vous expliquant l’anatomie d’un hameçon, d’un moulinet,d’une canne et leurs principales caractéristiques.Dans la section «TRUCS ET ASTUCES» nous vous présenterons 3éléments utiles d’informations provenant de compétition et depêcheurs chevronnés.La version complète de l’application Pêche – Clear Fishing, vousproposera quand à elle, les astuces pour attraper 33 des principauxpoissons d’eau douce. Les 9 sections de l’application vousprésenteront plus d’articles sur les techniques de pêche, montages,leurres, amorces et appâts, nœuds, lignes, matériel et des trucs etastuces.Vous pouvez aussi examiner les autres applications de pêchelancés sous la marque internationale Clear Fishing en 7 langues.Nous avons conçut et structuré les informations de manièrerigoureuse pour vous aider à ressentir durant vos sessions de pêchede meilleures sensations.Les applications Clear Fishing sont réalisées par une équipeconstituée de pêcheurs de compétition, consultants, journalistesspécialisés, des artistes graphiques, animateurs, photographes,éditeurs et programmateurs de plus de 7 pays différents. Depuis ces10 dernières années nous avons proposés aux pêcheurs: desmagazines, guides, événement et compétitions, foires etexpositions, sites web, application pour téléphone, et bienplus.This free version isdesigned for novice anglers and offers 72 items clear, wellstructured and easy to understand.You will find:- A solution for your first equipment- 5 essential montages (explained with step-by-step andillustrations)- Three of the most used fishing knots (step-by-step andillustrations)- How and where to fish three of the most popular freshwater fish(variety, where to find them, equipment, lures and baits,etc.)- The best fishing spots in rivers and freshwater- Three of the most successful baits to use in fresh water (use,target species, advantages, disadvantages, Tips)The section "TECHNICAL" offers 3 items:- How to fathom- How to fill a float- How to start over the headEach of these techniques is clearly and intuitively explainedusing photos or explicit videos.The "BOX FOR FISHING" section uses an illustration of a fullyequipped box you present a practical solution for organizing yourown box and offers six articles on various pieces of equipment.In "HARDWARE" you will find 45 items clearly illustratedexplaining the anatomy of a hook, a reel, cane and maincharacteristics.In the "TIPS" we will present three useful items of informationfrom competition and experienced fishermen.The full version of the application Fishing - Fishing Clear,offers for its part, the tricks to catch 33 of the main freshwaterfish. 9 sections of the application will present more articles onfishing techniques, montages, lures, bait and lures, knots, lines,equipment and tips and tricks.You can also look at other fishing applications launched underthe international brand Clear Fishing in 7 languages. We havedesigned and rigorously structured the information to help you feelbetter feel during your fishing sessions.Clear Fishing applications are made by a team of match anglers,consultants, journalists, graphic artists, animators,photographers, editors and programmers over 7 different countries.For the past 10 years we have offered to the fishermen: magazines,guides, events and competitions, fairs and exhibitions, websites,phone application, and more.
Fishing Freshwater 1.0
Freshwater Fishing- Clear Fishing is an appaimed at beginners, as well as more experienced anglers who want tocatch new species. Find out how you can catch the 33 mostsignificant freshwater species of fish:- where to find them- the techniques used to catch them- the most effective rigs, lures and bait- the necessary tackle and knots- precious tips and secretsThis is an overview of the app’s nine sections:Fish33 species of freshwater fish, giving their individualcharacteristics, geographical area, the places to catch them,recommended techniques, lures and bait, necessary tackle, andeverything else you need to know.Lures and baitThe most important lures and bait used in freshwaterfishing.RigsChoose the right rig from 22 colour-coded choices. The rigs andset-ups cover the main techniques:-river fishing-lake fishing-pole fishing-bottom fishing-float rod fishing-predator fishing using natural baits or lures-feeder fishing-carp fishingClear step by step instructions and pictures show you how tocorrectly construct each rig. Each article shows you where and whento use a particular rig, what bait to use, and the advantages anddisadvantages of each. Followed by a series of tips.KnotsExperienced, successful competition fishermen have chosen 8knots from the dozens used in sport fishing. These 8 knots coveralmost every situation. We explain how to make each of them, stepby step and using clear diagrams.Fishing techniquesWe show you 10 essential sport fishing techniques:-depth measurement-how to shot a float correctly-how to fish “the lift method”-how to fish “on the drop”-how to fish “trotting” style-how to bait with a catapult-overhead casting-fish fightingClear pictures and instructions will help you to master eachtechnique.Overhead casting, the most common casting technique, isexplained using original video animations (with slow-motionsegments), diagrams, photographs, and text. You will be able tolearn how to perform this essential technique using one hand orboth.Tackle boxA tackle box is more complicated and spacious than anysalesman’s trunk. The 25 sections and accompanying images will helpyou understand what your box will need to contain. We even provideyou with a solution for organising your box, using a photograph ofa box, each item of which is clickable and takes you to a separatesection.TackleFishing equipment has become very sophisticated: 58 clearlyillustrated sections explain the anatomy of the hook, pole, rod,and reel, and the characteristics and types of each. We offer youclear solutions for:-your first set of equipment- equipment suited for river or lake fishing, float or bottomfishing- carp, feeder and predator equipment- spinning or baitcasting equipmentLocationsIllustrated sections on the best places to fish in the two typesof water – still and flowing.Tips and tricksImportant information for the success of a fishing trip and foryour progress as a fisherman.If you want more information on specific fishing techniques,rigs, lures, bait, lines, knots, and tips, we invite you todiscover the other internationally successful apps launched underthe Clear Fishing brand. We have carefully designed and structuredthe information to enable you to maximize success during futurefishing trips.Clear Fishing apps are designed by a team comprised ofcompetition anglers, consultants, angling journalists, graphicartists, animators, photographers, editors, and programmers frommore than six countries. For the last ten years we have offeredanglers: magazines, guides, events and competitions, fairs andexhibitions, websites, mobile phone applications, and more.
Календарь рыболова 1.1.1
Описание Календарь рыболоваУзнайте самые удачливые периоды для рыбалки, на основесолнечно-лунной теории.Бесплатное приложение с простым и дружественным интерфейсом –Календарь рыболова от Clear Fishing позволяет Вам:с одного взгляда узнать лучшие периоды кормления рыб в определенныймесяцузнать подробности о каждом дне, о любом месте, одним кликом(лучшие часы для рыбалки, восход и заход Солнца, фазы Луны)узнать прогноз погоды на две недели вперед для любой выбраннойлокацииобнаружить новые рыболовные места, проводя поиск прямо на карте илипо названию (итегрированный Google Maps)сохранить любимые локации, чтобы в будущем найти их легчеВам не нужно понимать сложные графики или владеть астрофизическимизнаниями для того, чтобы использовать результаты данногоприложения. Все представлено интуитивно и ясно.Если Вы предпочитаете ловлю карпа, стационарную рыбалку, спиннингили нахлыст, увеличьте свои шансы с приложением Календарь рыболоваот Clear Fishing. Подготовьтесь разумно к выходам на водоем!Clear Fishing – европейский разработчик, специализированный всоздании приложений для мобильных устройств, посвященных спортивнойрыбалке в пресной воде. Наша команда состоит из рыболовов,участвующие в рыболовных соревнованиях, консультантов,художников-оформителей, художников-аниматоров, фотографов,редакторов и программистов из более чем 6 стран. Свыше 10 лет мыпредлагаем рыболовам: журналы, справочники, мероприятия исоревнования, выставки, веб-сайты, приложения для мобильныхустройств и т.д.Если хотите узнать больше информации о техниках рыбной ловли, обоснастках, наживках, прикормках, лесках, узлах откройте для себя иостальные приложения, представленные на международном рынке подмаркой Clear Fishing. Мы тщательно отобрали и отструктурировалиинформацию, чтобы Вы могли радоваться более успешным рыбалкам.Description FishingCalendarFind the most successful periods for fishing, on the basis ofsolar-lunar theory.Free app with a simple and user-friendly interface - FishingCalendar of Clear Fishing allows you to:a glance to know the best periods of feeding fish in a particularmonthlearn more about each day, about any place one click (best hoursfor fishing, sunrise and sunset, moon phases)weather forecast two weeks in advance for any chosen locationdiscover new fishing spots by searching directly on the map or byname (itegrirovanny Google Maps)save your favorite locations in the future to find themeasierYou do not need to understand the complex graphics or ownastrophysical knowledge in order to use the results of thisapplication. All presented intuitively and clearly.If you prefer to catch carp, stationary fishing, spinning or flyfishing, increase their chances with the application CalendarFishing from Clear Fishing. Prepare wisely to the outputs of thepond!Clear Fishing - European developer, specialized in the creation ofapplications for mobile devices, dedicated to sport fishing infresh water. Our team consists of fishermen involved in fishingcompetitions, consultants, graphic designers, animators,photographers, editors and programmers from more than sixcountries. Over 10 years, we offer anglers: magazines, directories,events and competitions, exhibitions, websites, mobileapplications, etc.If you want to learn more about the techniques of fishing, on rigs,baits, bait, fishing line, nodes discover and other applicationsare presented to the international market under the brand nameClear Fishing. We have carefully selected and otstrukturirovaliinformation so that you can enjoy a more successful fishing.
Календар рибалки 1.0.9
Дізнайтеся кращі періоди для риболовлі наоснові сонячно-місячної теорії.Безкоштовна програма Календар рибалки зі спортивним, простим ідружнім інтерфейсом допоможе вам:- дізнаватися найкращі періоди годівлі для риб протягоммісяця;- одним кліком отримувати інформацію на кожен день ірозташування (найкращий час для риболовлі, час сходу та заходусонця, фази місяця);- отримувати прогноз погоди для вибраногорозташування (температура, швидкість і напрям вітрутощо);- виявляти нові місця для риболовлі безпосереднім пошуком накарті або введенням назви (інтегровано з Google Maps);- зберігати свої улюблені місця, щоб згодом їх можна було легкознайти.Вам не доведеться розробляти складні графіки, ізовсім не потрібно бути астрофізиком, щоб використовуватирезультати, отримані за допомогою цієї програми. Усе викладеночітко та інтуїтивно зрозуміло.Незалежно від того, чи ви ловите коропа чи хижу рибу,чи займаєтеся спортивною риболовлею чи сидите з вудкою,Календар рибалки допоможе збільшити ваші шанси на успіх.Збирайтеся на риболовлю з розумом!Clear Fishing – це європейський розробник, щоспеціалізується на програмах для мобільних телефонів,призначених для прісноводного спортивного рибальства. Наша командаскладається зі спортивних рибалок, консультантів, журналістів,художників, аніматорів, фотографів, редакторів і програмістів ізпонад 6 країн. Уже більше десяти роківми займаємося забезпеченням рибалок журналами йпутівниками, організовуємо різноманітні заходи, змагання, ярмаркита виставки, а також створюємо веб-сайти та програмидля мобільних телефонів.Щоб дізнатися більше про методи рибної ловлі, снасті, приманки,блешні, волосіні та вузли, а також отримати поради та рекомендаціїекспертів, скористайтеся іншими програмами торговоїмарки Clear Fishing, які доступні в усьому світі. Ми ретельнорозробили й структурували інформацію, яку надаємокористувачам, тому ви матимете більший успіх під час своєїнаступної риболовлі.Find out the best timesfor fishing from solar-lunar theory.Free Calendar program with sports fishermen, simple and friendlyinterface will help you:- Learn the best times to fish feeding for a month;- One click to get information for each day and location (the besttime for fishing, sunrise and sunset times, moon phases);- Receive weather forecast for a selected location (temperature,wind speed and direction, etc.);- Identify new locations for fishing directly on the map or searchby typing (integrated with Google Maps);- Store your favorite places to subsequently be easily znayty.Vamnot have to develop sophisticated graphics, and does not need to bean astrophysicist to use the results obtained with this program.Everything is clearly laid out and intuitive.Regardless of whether you catch carp or predatory fish, orfishing or doing sit with a fishing rod, fishing calendar will helpincrease your chances of success. Create your fishing wisely!Clear Fishing - a European developer specializing inapplications for mobile phones, designed for freshwater sportfishing. Our team consists of sports fishermen, consultants,journalists, artists, animators, photographers, editors andprogrammers with more than 6 countries. For over ten years we havebeen providing fishermen magazines and guidebooks, organize variousevents, competitions, fairs and exhibitions as well as createwebsites and applications for mobile phones.To learn more about fishing techniques, tackle, bait, lures,fishing line and components, as well as tips and expert advice, useother software brand Clear Fishing, available worldwide. Wecarefully designed and structured information provided by users, soyou'll have more success during his next fishing.
Sportangeln Lite 2.0
Die kostenlose Lite-Version unserer Lern-Appist ideal für Angelanfänger. Sie enthält 72 verständliche und gutstrukturierte Artikel rund ums Angeln im Süßwasser.Sie finden darin:- eine Geräteempfehlung für Ihre erste Angelausrüstung- fünf grundlegende Montagen (mit verständlichenSchritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und Bildern)- drei der wichtigsten Angelknoten (mit illustriertenSchritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen)- eine Auswahl von drei der beliebtesten Zielfische (wie und wo mansie lokalisiert, mit welcher Ausrüstung, Methode und Technik siebeangelt werden, welche Montagen, Köder und Futtersorten am bestengeeignet sind, usw.)- eine Übersicht über Locations und Spots an Still- undFließgewässern.- eine Auswahl von drei der erfolgreichsten Köder, die imSüßwasserangeln zum Einsatz kommen (Anwendungsmöglichkeiten,Zielfische, Vor- und Nachteile, Tipps).In der Lite-Version des Kapitels „Angeltechniken“ lernenSie:- wie man die Tiefe auslotet,- wie man eine Pose bebleit,- wie man einen Überkopfwurf richtig ausführt.Jede Technik wird verständlich beschrieben und mit Fotosund/oder Videos eingängig demonstriert.In der „Angeltasche“ sehen Sie Beispiele dafür, was unbedingt ineine gut bestückte und gut organisierte Tasche hineingehört. Jederder sechs Artikel enthält Erläuterungen, wenn Sie ihnanklicken.In der Abteilung „Ausrüstung“ bieten wir Ihnen 45 bebilderteArtikel; u. a. erklären wir Ihnen verständlich, worauf es bei Rute,Stippe, Rolle und Haken im Detail ankommt, Bauteil fürBauteil.Die ausgewählten drei „Tipps und Hinweise“ stammen von erfahrenenAnglern.Falls Ihnen die Light-Variante Appetit gemacht hat: DieVollversion von Sportangeln by Clear Fishing bietet Ihnen neunvollständige, ausführliche Kapitel unter anderem zu über 30Zielfischen, zu zahlreichen weiteren Angeltechniken, Montagen,Knoten, Köder und Futter sowie Ausrüstung.Entdecken Sie auch andere Apps, die von Clear Fishing entwickeltwurden! Unter diesem internationalen Markenzeichen haben wir vieleerfolgreiche Anwendungen in unserem Portfolio, die sichausschließlich dem Angeln widmen und in mehreren Sprachen zumDownload bereitstehen.Wir bieten Ihnen sorgfältig recherchierte Informationen, damitSie noch mehr Erfolg und Freude an Ihrem wunderbaren Hobbyhaben.Die Apps von Clear Fishing werden von einem internationalen Teamaus Profianglern, Fachredakteuren, Beratern, Grafikern,Programmierern, Trickfilmzeichnern und Animateuren entwickelt. Seitüber zehn Jahren bieten wir Anglern Produkte, in die wir unsereeigene Leidenschaft fürs Angeln einbringen: Zeitschriften,Angelführer, Messen und Ausstellungen, Wettbewerbe und andereEvent-Veranstaltungen, Websites, mobile Apps und vieles mehr.The free Lite version ofour learning app is ideal for fishing beginners. It contains 72clear and well-structured articles around fishing in freshwater.It contains:- A device recommendation for your first fishing tackle- Five basic assembly (with understandable step-by-stepinstructions and pictures)- Three of the most important fishing knots (with illustratedstep-by-step instructions)- A selection of three of the most popular target fish (how andwhere they are located, with what equipment, methods and techniquesthey are fished, which montages, bait and food are best suited,etc.)- An overview of locations and spots on breastfeeding andrivers.- A selection of three of the most successful baits in freshwaterfishing used (applications, target fish, pros and cons, tips).In the Lite version of the chapter "fishing techniques" you'lllearn:- How plumbs the depths,- How to bebleit a pose- How to perform an overhead cast properly.Each technique is described clearly and demonstrates catchyphotos and / or videos.In the "fishing bag" you will see examples of what belongs intonecessarily in a well-stocked and well organized briefcase. Each ofthe six article contains explanations when you click it.In the department of "equipment" we offer 45 illustratedarticles; and others, we tell you of course, what matters in rod,gravy, roll and hook in detail, component by component.The selected three "tips and hints" are from experiencedanglers.If you light variation has made appetite: The full version ofsport fishing by Clear Fishing offers nine full, detailed chaptersas those provided via 30 target fish to many other fishingtechniques, assembly, knots, bait and food and equipment.Explore other apps that have been developed by Clear Fishing!Under this international brand, we have many successfulapplications in our portfolio that are dedicated exclusively tofishing and are available in several languages ​​for download.We offer carefully researched information, so you have even moresuccess and enjoyment of your favorite hobbies.The apps of Clear Fishing developed by an international team ofprofessional anglers, technical editors, consultants, graphicdesigners, programmers, animators and entertainers. For over tenyears, we offer anglers products, in which we bring our own passionfor fishing: Magazines, fishing guide, fairs and exhibitions,competitions and other outdoor events, websites, mobile apps andmore.
Calendário de Pesca 1.0.8
Descubra os melhores períodos para as jornadasde pesca, com base na teoria Solunar.Grátis e ostentando uma interface simples e acessível, a Calendáriode Pesca vai ajudá-lo a:- Descubra rapidamente os melhores períodos de alimentação paraos peixes em um mês- Tenha as informações num clique só para cada dia e local (osmelhores horários para pescar, as horas em que o sol nasce e sepõe, além das fases da Lua)- Obtenha a previsão do tempo para o seu local escolhido(temperatura, velocidade e direção do vento, etc.)- Identifique novas áreas de pesca, pesquisando diretamente o mapaou inserindo o nome (integrado com o Google Maps)- Salve os seus locais favoritos para que possa achá-los maisfacilmente depoisNão precisará elaborar gráficos complicados nem precisa sernenhum astrofísico para poder utilizar os resultados fornecidos poreste aplicativo. Tudo é apresentado de forma clara e intuitiva.Independentemente de estar pescando carpas ou predadores, oupescando com mosca ou à linha, aumente as suas chances de obter umarefeição com Calendário de Pesca. Organize as suas jornadas depesca com sabedoria!Clear Fishing é um desenvolvedor europeu especializado emaplicativos para celulares dedicados à pesca esportiva de águadoce. A nossa equipe é composta por pescadores de competição,consultores, jornalistas pescadores, artistas gráficos, animadores,fotógrafos, editores e programadores de mais de 6 países. Ao longode mais de uma década, temo-nos dedicado de forma apaixonada aapresentar aos pescadores as revistas e os guias, organizandoeventos, competições, feiras e exposições, além de criarmos sites eaplicativos para celulares.Caso pretenda conhecer mais sobre as técnicas de pesca, artigos depesca, iscas vivas, iscas artificiais, linhas e nós, assim comodicas e orientações de profissionais, não deixe então de descobriros outros aplicativos disponíveis a nível internacional que fazemparte da marca Clear Fishing. Desenvolvemos e estruturamoscuidadosamente as informações que lhe apresentamos, para que tenhamais sucesso ainda na sua próxima jornada de pesca.Discover the best timesfor fishing trips, based on the Solunar Theory.Free and boasting a simple and accessible interface, FishingCalendar will help you:- Quickly Discover the best times to fish food in a month- Keep the information in a single click for each day and place(the best times to fish, the hours during which the sun rises andsets, in addition to the phases of the Moon)- Get the weather forecast for your chosen location (temperature,wind speed and direction, etc.)- Identify new fishing areas directly researching the map or byentering the name (integrated with Google Maps)- Save your favorite places so you can find them more easilylaterNo need to elaborate or complicated graphics need be noastrophysicist order to use the results provided by thisapplication. Everything is presented in a clear and intuitiveway.Whether you're fishing carp or predators, or fishing or fly lineand increase your chances of getting a meal with Calendar Fishing.Organize your fishing trips wisely!Clear Fishing is a European developer specializing in mobileapplications dedicated to freshwater sport fishing. Our teamconsists of fishermen competition, consultants, journalistsfishermen, graphics, animators artists, photographers, editors andprogrammers over 6 countries. For over a decade, we have beenpassionately dedicated to present to fishermen magazines andfashion guides, organizing events, competitions, fairs andexhibitions, as well as create websites and mobileapplications.If you want to know more about fishing techniques, fishing tackle,live bait, artificial lures, lines and nodes, as well as tips andadvice from professionals, not so sure of discovering the otherapplications available internationally that are part of the Clearbrand Fishing. Developed and carefully structure the information wepresent to you, so you have even more success on your next fishingday.
Tabla Solunar 1.0.8
Descripción de Tabla SolunarEncuentre los mejores periodos para cuando vaya a pescar, basadoen la teoría Solunar.Gratis, y mostrando una interfaz sencilla y fácil de usar, ClearFishing Solunar le ayudará a:- Descubrir de un vistazo los mejores periodos de alimentaciónde los peces en un mes.- Obtener información con un clic de cada día y ubicación (losmejores momentos para pescar, las horas de las puestas y amaneceresdel sol, las fases de la luna)- Obtener el pronóstico del tiempo de la ubicación que haya elegido(temperatura, velocidad del viento y su dirección, etc)- Identificar nuevas zonas de pesca, buscandolas directamente en elmapa o introduciendo el nombre (integrado con mapas deGoogle)- Guardar sus ubicaciones favoritas para que pueda encontrarlas denuevo más tarde de forma más fácilNo tendrá que resolver gráficos complicados, y no necesita serun astrofísico para ser capaz de usar los resultados obtenidos deesta aplicación. Toda está especificado cláramente eintuitívamente.Tanto si está pescando carpas o depredadores, o como si estápescando con mosca o pescando en agua dulce, maximizando susposibilidades de conseguir una mordedura con Clear Fishing Solunar.¡Organice sabiamente sus viajes de pesca!Clear Fishing es un desarrollador europeo especialista enaplicaciones para móviles dedicadas a la pesca deportiva de aguadulce. Nuestro equipo está compuesto de pescadores, especialistas,periodistas de pesca de agua dulce, artistas gráficos, animadores,fotógrafos, editores, y programadores de más de 6 países. Desdehace más de diez años, hemos estado dedicados apasionadamente aproveer a los pescadores de agua dulce de revistas y guías, aorganizar eventos, competiciones, ferias, exposiciones, y a crearpáginas web y aplicaciones para móviles.Si desea encontrar más sobre técnicas de pesca, equipo, cebos,señuelos, líneas, nudos, así como consejos y asesoramientoprofesional, entonces asegúrese de descubrir las otras aplicacionesdisponibles internacionalmente y parte de la marca Clear Fishing.Hemos diseñado y estructurado cuidadosamente la información que lepresentamos para que usted tenga un gran éxito la próxima vez quevaya a pescar.Solunar Table description     Find the best periods for when yougo fishing, based on the Solunar theory.          Free, and showing a simple and easyto use interface, Clear Fishing Solunar will help you:- Discover the best out of periods of feeding fish in amonth.- Learn with a click every day and location (the best times tofish, hours of sunsets and sunrises in the sun, the phases of themoon)- Get weather forecast for the location you have chosen(temperature, wind speed and direction, etc.)- Identify new fishing areas, looking them directly on the map orby entering your name (integrated with Google Maps)- Save your favorite locations so you can find them again latermore easily    No need to solve complicated graphics,and need not be an astrophysicist to be able to use the results ofthis application. All specified clearly and intuitively.Whether you're fishing for carp or predator, or if you are flyfishing or fishing in fresh water, maximizing your chances ofgetting a bite with Clear Fishing Solunar. Organize wisely fishingtrips!    Clear Fishing is a European specialistin mobile applications developer dedicated to freshwater sportfishing. Our team consists of fishermen, scholars, journalistsfreshwater fishing, graphic artists, animators, photographers,editors, and developers over 6 countries. For over ten years, wehave been passionately dedicated to providing freshwater fishingmagazines and guides, organize events, competitions, fairs,exhibitions, and create websites and mobile applications.    To find out more about fishingtechniques, equipment, baits, lures, lines, knots, as well as tipsand professional advice, then be sure to discover the otherapplications available internationally and part of the brand ClearFishing. We have designed and carefully structured the informationwe present for you to have a great success the next time you gofishing.
Tehnici de Lansare - Rapitori 2.0
Prima aplicatie din lume care prezintatehnicile de lansare in pescuitul la rapitori:-Lansarea peste cap-Lansarea laterala-Lansarea din incheietura-Pitching-Flipping-SkippingAnimatii video dedicate (cu segmente in slow motion), desene,fotografii si texte te vor ajuta sa inveti pas cu pas miscariletehnicilor de aruncare. Lansarile sunt explicate separate pentrufiecare tip de echipament in parte: spinning si baitcasting.Articolele prezinta: aplicablitatea, monturile, nalucile simomelile folosite, echipamentul recomandat, avantaje, dezavatanje,sfaturi si secrete pentru fiecare tip de aruncare in parte.Pentru incepatori am inclus articole despre:-cum se pune firul pe mulineta de spinning si pe cea debaitcasting-cum se regleaza cele doua tipuri de mulinete (spinning sibaitcasting) pentru aruncare-prizele pentru aruncare-cum se tin cele doua tipuri de lansete pentru recuperare si luptacu pestele.Aplicatia Tehnici de Lansare – Pescuit Rapitori este un produsromanesc, dezvoltat de o echipa europeana in curs de lansarelanivel la international sub marca Clear Fishing in 7 limbi.Din familia noastra de aplicatii s-au bucurat de successinternational si cele dedicate pescuitului la crap: Monturi &Noduri, Echipament, Nade & Momeli & Tehnica, Pescuit Crap,Pescuit Crap Lite, disponibile si ele in mai multe limbi.Clear Fishing, Pescuit pur si simplu si Aventuri la pescuit suntmarci detinute de Picnic Media SRL.The first application inthe world to launch the techniques in fishing kidnappers:-Lansarea Upside-Lansarea Side-Lansarea The wrist-Pitching-Flipping-SkippingAnimations dedicated video (in slow motion segments), drawings,photographs and texts will help you learn step by step techniquesthrowing movements. Releases are explained separately for each typeof equipment in part: spinning and baitcasting.Articles presents: aplicablitatea, mounts, Ghosts and baitsused, recommended equipment, advantages, disadvantage, tips andsecrets for each type of roll in hand.For beginners we included articles on:-how to put the thread reel spinning and baitcasting the-how to regulate two types of reels (spinning and baitcasting) fordisposal-prizele to throw-how to keep the two types of rods for recovery and fight fish.Launch Application Techniques - Fishing rape is a Romanian,developed by a team under lansarela European level by Clear Fishingin 7 languages.From our family of applications have enjoyed internationalsuccess and the dedicated carp fishing: Mounts & Units,Equipment, Technology & Nade & Bait, Carp Fishing, CarpFishing Lite them available in several languages.Clear Fishing, Fishing simply and fishing adventures aretrademarks owned by Picnic Media SRL.
Pesca nelle acque dolci 2.0
Pesca nelle acque dolciPesca nelle acque dolci - Clear Fishing è una app rivolta aiprincipianti, così come ai pescatori più esperti che voglionoprendere nuove specie. Scoprite come potete prendere le 33 specied’acqua dolce più importanti:- dove trovarle- le tecniche usate per prenderle- le montature, le esche e le pasturazioni più efficaci- l’attrezzatura necessaria e i nodi- consigli preziosi e segretiEcco una panoramica delle nove sezioni della app:Pesci33 specie di pesci d’acqua dolce, dando le loro caratteristicheindividuali, la zona geografica, i posti per prenderle, le tecnicheconsigliate, i richiami e le esche, l’attrezzatura necessaria equalsiasi altra cosa occorre sapere.Esche e pasturazioneLe esche e le pasturazioni più importanti usate nella pesca inacqua dolce.MontatureScegliete la montatura giusta tra 22 opzioni con coloriidentificativi. Le lenze e i set-ups coprono le tecnicheprincipali:-pesca in fiume-pesca in lago-pesca a roubaisienne/canna fissa-pesca a fondo-pesca all’inglese-pesca ai pesci predatori con esche naturali o artificiali-pesca con il pasturatore (feeder)-carp fishingIstruzioni e immagini chiare mostrano passo per passo comecostruire correttamente ciascuna montatura. Ogni articolo mostradove e quando usare una particolare montatura, quale esca usare e ivantaggi e gli svantaggi di ognuna.NodiPescatori esperti campioni hanno scelto 9 nodi da una dozzina usatinella pesca sportiva. Questi 9 nodi coprono quasi tutte lesituazioni. Si spiega come fare ognuno di essi, passo per passo econ disegni chiari.Tecniche di pescaVi illustriamo 10 tecniche essenziali della pesca sportiva:-come si misura la profondità-come si piomba un galleggiante in maniera corretta-come si pesca con il “metodo dell’ascensore” (“lift method”)-come si pesca “in calata” (“on the drop”)-come si pesca alla passata (“trotting”)-come si pastura con una fionda-come si effettua il lancio sopra la testa (overhead cast)-come si combatte con il pesceImmagini e istruzioni chiare vi aiuteranno ad apprendere ciascunatecnica.Il lancio sopra la testa, la tecnica di lancio più comune, èspiegato con animazioni video originali (con spezzoni arallentamento), disegni, fotografie e testo.La cassetta dell’attrezzaturaUna cassetta dell’attrezzatura è più complicata e spaziosa delbaule di un venditore. Le 25 sezioni e le immagini che leaccompagnano vi aiuteranno a capire cosa dovrà contenere la vostracassetta.L’attrezzaturaL’attrezzatura da pesca è diventata molto sofisticata: 58 sezionichiaramente illustrate spiegano l’anatomia dell’amo, della canna edel mulinello, nonché le caratteristiche e i tipi di ciascuno diquesti elementi. Vi offriamo soluzioni chiare per:- il vostro primo set d’attrezzatura- l’attrezzatura adatta per pescare in fiume o in lago, agalleggiante o a fondo- l’attrezzatura da carp fishing, quella da feeder fishing e quellaper la pesca ai pesci predatori- l’attrezzatura da spinning o da baitcastingI postiSezioni illustrate sui posti più belli per pescare in due tipi diacque – ferme e correnti.Consigli e trucchiInformazioni importanti per il successo di un’uscita di pesca e perla vostra crescita come pescatori.Se volete ulteriori informazioni sulle specifiche tecniche dipesca, montature, esche, pasturazioni, fili, nodi e consigli, viinvitiamo a scoprire le altre applicazioni di successointernazionale lanciate sotto il marchio Clear Fishing. Abbiamostudiato e strutturato attentamente le informazioni per mettervi incondizione di massimizzare il successo durante le vostre futureuscite di pesca.Le applicazioni di Clear Fishing sono studiate da un team dipescatori garisti, consulenti, giornalisti di pesca, artisti dellagrafica, animatori, fotografi, editori e programmatori da più di 6Paesi.Fishing in freshwaterFishing in fresh waters - Clear Fishing is an app aimed atbeginners, as well as the more experienced anglers who want tocatch a new species. Find out how you can take the 33 freshwaterspecies the most important:- Where to find them- The techniques used to take- Frames, baits and more effective pasturazioni- The necessary equipment and nodes- Valuable tips and secretsHere is an overview of the nine sections of the app:Pisces33 species of freshwater fish, giving their individualcharacteristics, the geographical area, the places to take them,the recommended techniques, lures and bait, the necessary equipmentand anything else you need to know.Baits and baitingThe bait and the most important pasturazioni used in freshwaterfishing.FramesChoose the right frame of 22 options with identifying colors. Thelines and set-ups covering the main techniques:-Fishing in river-Fishing in lake-Fishing a pole / hook and line-Fisheries thoroughly-Fishing English-Fishing to predatory fish with natural bait or artificial-Fishing with the feeder (feeder)-carp fishingInstructions and clear pictures showing step by step how toproperly build each frame. Each item shows you where and when touse a particular frame, which bait to use and the advantages anddisadvantages of each.NodesAnglers samples were chosen from a dozen 9 knots used in fishing.These 9 knots cover almost all situations. It explains how to doeach of them, step by step and with vivid designs.Fishing TechniquesWe show you 10 essential techniques of fishing:-as you measure the depth-as it swoops floating in a correct way-as fishing with the "lift method" ("lift method")-as you are fishing "dropped in" ("on the drop")-as you are fishing the past ("trotting")-as you pasture with a slingshot-as you make the throw over the head (overhead cast)-as you fight with the fishImages and clear instructions help you learn each technique.The launch overhead, the most common throwing technique isexplained with original video animations (with clips to slow down),drawings, photographs and text.The cassette equipmentA tape of the equipment is more complicated and the spacious trunkof a seller. The 25 sections and the images that accompany themwill help you understand what your box should contain.The equipmentThe fishing gear has become very sophisticated: 58 sections explainclearly illustrated the anatomy of the hook, the rod and reel, andthe characteristics and types of each of these elements. We offerclear solutions for:- On your first set of equipment- The right equipment for fishing in the river or in the lake,floating or bottom- The carp fishing tackle, fishing feeder and the one that forpredator fishing- The equipment from spinning or baitcastingPlacesSections shown on the most beautiful places to fish in two types ofwater - still and running.Tips and tricksInformation important to the success of a fishing trip and for yourgrowth as fishermen.If you want more information on specific fishing techniques,frames, hooks, pasturazioni, wires, knots and advice, we invite youto discover the other applications successfully launchedinternationally under the brand name Clear Fishing. We havecarefully designed and structured information to put you in aposition to maximize the success in your future fishingtrips.The applications of Clear Fishing are designed by a team offishermen Garisto, consultants, journalists, fishing, graphicartists, animators, photographers, editors and programmers for morethan 6 countries.
Carp Fishing 5.0
Carp Fishing is the most comprehensive carpfishing guide currently available in the major app stores.This app covers all important aspects of carp fishing: rigconstruction and applicability, knots, hook patterns, lead systems,baits and hookbaits, rods and reels, fishing lines, accessories,rod pods and bite alarms, bivvies (tents) and beds, mats and sacks,baiting and fishing techniques, tips and tricks etc.Carp Fishing aims to present all essential information in orderto successfully capture capital carp. Guided by this app, anabsolute beginner will be able to build up a tackle box, select andtie reliable hooks, construct rigs, choose an inspired bait andhookbait and target the capital carp.Intermediate anglers will gain new insights allowing them toapproach field situations more efficiently. Carp Fishing wasdeveloped by European carping experts, journalists andprogrammers.Rigs :The large number of rigs presented by carping magazines weretrimmed down by our specialists to 10 essential rigs thatpractically cover all carp fishing situations: The Basic (Simple)Hair Rig, The Snowman Rig, The Combi Rig, The Blowback Rig, TheMaggotRig, The D Rig, The 360 Degree Rig, Chod Rig, Zig Rig, KDRig, Long-distance float-fishing Rig . Clear instructions andphotos show you how to correctly construct each rig and tell youhow to use it. Following updates will add derivative or highlyspecialized rigs.Lead Systems:This section teaches you how to select and construct theappropriate lead system, be it The Lead Clip System (a.k.a. TheSemi-fixed Lead System, The Safety Clip System), The Helicopter(Chod) System or The In-line Lead System. There are many leadsystems advocated on the market, but most of them are variations tothe ones named above. Updates will present these variations aswell.Knots:The main 9 types of knots used in carp fishing: The Knotless Knot,The Improved Clinch Knot, The Albright Knot, The Grinner Knot, ThePalomar Knot, The Trilene Knot, The Uni Knot, The Dropper Knot andThe Blood Knot.Baits and Hookbaits:All major types of baits and hookbaits, from pellets and boilies toparticles (seeds) and bloodworms are presented with the details ofapplicability and the main brands.Hook Patterns:The following hook patterns, their corresponding characteristics,applicability and major brands are presented: Curve Shank, LongShank, Wide Gap, Choddy and Curve Long Shank.Fishing Lines:Strengths and weaknesses, applicability, major brands and pricerange for: Main Lines, Rig Lines, Braided Coated Lines, SoftBraids, Monofilaments, Fluorocarbons, Leadcores, Leader Lines andothers.Leads:Information and applicability of: Grippa Leads, In-line DistanceLeads, Pendant Distance Leads etc.Rods:Types of rods used in carp fishing, their main characteristics(action, power and length) explained, and advice on brands, pricerange and which type of rod should you choose.Reels:Reel components (hot spots with photo close-ups), characteristics,brands and price range.AccessoriesAccessories used in carp rigging: Swivels and Rig Rings, Clips,Stick Needle and Bait Stoppers, PVA, Tungsten Putty, Rig Walletetc.Bivvies, Beds and Sleeping Bags:How to choose your camping equipment, what brands are on the marketand which is the price range.Baiting and Fishing Techniques:This is a section useful for preparing a carp session or lookingfor new ideas while fishing.Tips and TricksA high degree of persuasion was employed to extract these advicesfrom our specialists. Follow them to succeed!Carp Fishing by Clear Fishing was developed in Europe. For moreinformation please visit:
Casting for Predator Fishing 2.0
The first ever app dedicated to castingtechniques for freshwater predator fishing:-Overhead casting-Side casting-Roll casting-Pitching-Flipping-SkippingSpecially commissioned video animations (with slow-motionsegments), drawings and diagrams, photos and texts will help youlearn different ways to cast a lure and reach the hot spots wheregame fish are ambushing their prey. Each casting technique isexplained both for spinning and baitcasting equipment.The articles present for every casting technique mentionedabove:-usage-adequate lures and baits-recommended equipment-advantages-disadvantages-advices for beginners-tips & tricksBeginners will also find step-by-step instructions and photoson:-how to spool spinning and baitcasting reels-how to adjust a spinning and a baitcasting reel for casting-how to hold and grip a spinning and a baitcasting rod forcasting-how to hold a spinning and a baitcasting rod during retrieval andfish fightingCasting Techniques – Predator Fishing by Clear Fishing wasdeveloped by an international team of anglers, angling consultantsand journalists, artists, publishers and developers. For moreinformation please visit: http://clearfishing.comYou might want to check our family of internationally successfulcarping apps: Carp Fishing, Rigs&Knots, Baits&Hookbaits,Fishing Tackle.
Carp Fishing Italiano 4.0
Carp Fishing Italiano e la piu ampia guida dicarp fishing attualmente disponibile nei maggiori app stores.Questo app tratta tutti gli aspetti importanti del carp fishing:la costruzione e l’applicabilita delle montature, i nodi, lestrutture dell’amo, i sistemi di applicazione del piombo, le eschee gli inneschi, le canne e i mulinelli, i fili da pesca, gliaccessori, i rod pods e i segnalatori d’abboccata, le tende e ilettini, i materassini e le sacche, la pasturazione e le tecnichedi pesca, trucchi e suggerimenti etc.Carp Fishing Italiano si propone di fornire tutte leinformazioni necessarie per catturare con pieno successo la carpaimportante. Guidato da questo app, un principiante assoluto sara ingrado di allestire una cassetta per l’attrezzatura, scegliere elegare ami affidabili, costruire montature, scegliere un’esca e uninnesco ispirati e mirare alla carpa importante.I pescatori intermedi acquisiranno nuove conoscenze checonsentiranno loro di approcciarsi piu efficacemente alle variesituazioni sul campo. Carp Fishing e stato sviluppato da esperticarpisti europei, giornalisti e programmatori.Montature:Il gran numero di montature presentate dalle riviste di carpfishing e stato ridotto dai nostri specialisti a 10 lenzeessenziali che praticamente coprono tutte le situazioni del carpfishing: la montatura a capello basica (semplice), quella a ominodi neve, quella combi, quella blowback, il maggot rig (la montaturada bigattini), il D rig, quella a 360 gradi, il chod rig, lo zigrig e il KD rig. Istruzioni chiare e foto mostrano come costruirecorrettamente ciascuna montatura e spiegano come usarla. Successiviaggiornamenti aggiungeranno montature derivate o altamentespecializzate.Sistemi per il piombo:Questa sezione insegna come scegliere e costruire il sistemaappropriato di applicazione del piombo, sia il sistema con clip peril piombo (conosciuto anche come sistema con piombo semi-fisso, osistema con clip di sicurezza), il sistema a elicottero (chod) oquello con piombo in linea. Ci sono molti sistemi di applicazionedel piombo promossi sul mercato, ma la maggior parte di essi sonovariazioni di quelli citati sopra. Aggiornamenti descriverannoanche queste varianti.Nodi:I 9 principali tipi di nodi usati nel carp fishing: il nodo senzanodo, l’improved clinch, l’albright, il grinner, il palomar, iltrilene, l’uni, il dropper e il nodo di sangue.Esche e inneschi:Tutti i principali tipi di esche e inneschi, dai pellets e leboilies alle particles (semi) e i vermi di sangue, sono descritticon i dettagli di applicabilita e le principali marche.Strutture dell’amo:Vengono descritte le seguenti strutture dell’amo, le lorocorrispondenti caratteristiche, l’applicabilita e le marcheprincipali: a gambo curvo, a gambo lungo, a curva larga, choddy e agambo lungo e curvo.Fili da pesca:Punti di forza e debolezze, applicabilita, marche principali erange di prezzo per: madrelenze, fili da montatura, fili trecciatirivestiti, trecciati morbidi, monofili, fluorocarbons, leadcores,shock leaders e altri.Canne:Tipi di canne usate nel carp fishing, loro principalicaratteristiche (azione, potenza e lunghezza) spiegate, e consiglisu marche, range di prezzo e quale tipo di canna si dovrebbescegliere.Mulinelli:Le componenti del mulinello (punti importanti con primi piani nellefoto), le caratteristiche, le marche e il range di prezzo.Pasturazione e tecniche di pesca:Questa e una sezione utile per preparare una sessione di pesca allacarpa o per cercare nuove idee mentre si pesca.Trucchi e consigli:Un alto grado di persuasione e stato impiegato per strappare questiconsigli dai nostri specialisti. Seguiteli per avere successo!Carp Fishing Italiano by Clear Fishing e stato sviluppato inEuropa. Per piu informazioni si prega di visitare http://clearfishing.comCarp Fishing Italian andthe widest carp fishing guide currently available in major appstores.This app is all important aspects of carp fishing: theconstruction and enforceability of frames, the nodes, thestructures of the hook, the application systems of lead, bait andtriggers, barrels and reels, the wires from fishing, accessories,rod pods and signalers Bite, tents and cots, mats and sacks,baiting and fishing techniques, tips and tricks etc.Carp Fishing Italian aims to provide all the information neededto capture fully successful carp important. Guided by this app, anabsolute beginner will be able to set up a safe deposit for theequipment, select and tie reliable hooks, construct frames, choosea lure and a trigger and aim inspired carp important.Fishermen intermediate acquire new knowledge that will enablethem to approach more effectively to various situations on thefield. Carp Fishing and developed by experienced anglers Europeanjournalists and programmers.Frames:The large number of frames made from carp fishing magazines and wasreduced by our specialists in 10 lines essential that practicallycover all situations of carp fishing: the mount to hair basic(simple), the little man in the snow, the combi, that blowback, themaggot rig (rimmed by maggots), the D rigs, one 360 ​​degrees, thechod rig, the zig rig and the KD rig. Clear instructions and photosshow how to build properly each frame and explain how to use it.Further updates will add frames derived or highly specialized.Systems for lead:This section teaches you how to choose and build the appropriatesystem of application of lead, both the clip system for lead (alsoknown as semi-fixed system with lead, or system with safety clip),the system in helicopter (chod) or the one with lead in line. Thereare many systems for the application of the lead promoted on themarket, but most of them are variations of the ones mentionedabove. Updates will also describe these variants.Nodes:The main 9 types of knots used in carp fishing: the knotless knot,the improved clinch, the albright, the grinner, the loft, thetrilene, the one, the dropper and the knot of blood.Esche and triggers:All major types of baits and triggers, from pellets and boilies toparticles (seeds) and blood worms, are described with details ofapplicability and major brands.Structures of the hook:Describes the following structures of the hook, their correspondingcharacteristics, applicability and major brands: a curved shank,long shank, wide curve, choddy and long stem and curved.Fishing lines:Strengths and weaknesses, applicability, major brands and pricerange for: madrelenze, wires from the frame, braided wire coated,braided soft, monofilaments, fluorocarbons, leadcores, shockleaders and others.Canne:Types of rods used in carp fishing, their main characteristics(action, power and length) explained, and advice on brands, pricerange and what type of rod you should choose.Reels:The components of the reel (important points with close-ups in thepictures), features, brands and price range.Baiting and fishing techniques:This is a useful section to prepare a session of carp fishing orlook for new ideas while fishing.Tips and Tricks:A high degree of persuasion was employed to extract these advicesfrom our specialists. Follow them to succeed!Italian Carp Fishing by Clear Fishing was developed in Europe.For more information please visit
Pesca de Carpa 4.0
Pesca de carpa es la guía actual más completadisponible en las tiendas de aplicaciones más importantes.Esta aplicación cubre todos los aspectos de la pesca de carpa:montaje del bajo y su aplicabilidad, nudos, modelos de anzuelos,sistemas de plomo, carnadas y cebos, canas y carretes, líneas depesca, accesorios, soportes para canas y alarmas de picada, bivvies(tiendas) y camas, tapetes y sacos de dormir, técnicas para cebar ypescar, consejos y trucos, etc.Pesca de carpa, tiene como objetivo presentar toda lainformación imprescindible para capturar la carpa con éxito. Guiadopor esta aplicación, un principiante total, será capaz de hacer sucaja de pesca, seleccionar y atar anzuelos fiables, montar bajos,elegir una carnada y cebo con acierto y tener como objetivo lacarpa. Los pescadores de cana intermedios, adquirirán nuevosconocimientos, permitiéndoles acercarse a las situaciones delterreno con más eficacia. La pesca de carpa fue desarrollada porespecialistas europeos de la carpa, periodistas yprogramadores.Bajos:La gran cantidad de bajos que se presentaron en las revistas decarpa fueron reducidos por nuestros especialistas a 7 bajosfundamentales que cubren prácticamente todas las situaciones depesca de la carpa: El bajo Hair básico (simple), El bajo muneco denieve, el bajo Combi, el bajo con retroceso, el bajo Maggot, elbajo D y el bajo 360 grados. Las claras instrucciones y las fotosle ensenan cómo montar correctamente cada bajo y le dicen cómousarlo. Seguir las actualizaciones anadirá derivaciones o bajos muyespecializados.Sistemas de plomos:Esta sección le ensena cómo seleccionar y montar un sistema deplomo adecuado, viene a ser El Sistema de Plomo Clip (t.c.c. ElSistema de Plomo Semi-Fijado), El Sistema (Chod) Helicóptero o ElSistema de Plomo En-Línea. Hay muchos sistemas de plomosrecomendados en el mercado, pero la mayoría son variaciones de losnombrados anteriormente. Las actualizaciones también presentaránestas variaciones.Nudos:Los 9 tipos de nudos más importantes que se usan en la pesca decarpa: El nudo sin nudo, El nudo Clinch mejorado, El nudo Albright,El nudo Grinner, El nudo Palomar, El nudo Trilene, El nudo Uni, Elrizo Paternoster, El nudo de Sangre.Carnadas y cebos:Todos los tipos de carnadas y cebos, desde los pellets y boilieshasta partículas (semillas) y lombrices rojas se presentan condetalles de su aplicabilidad y marcas principales.Tipos de anzuelos:Los tipos de anzuelos siguientes, sus característicascorrespondientes, aplicabilidad y marcas principales estánpresentes: Vástago curvos, Vástago largo, Boca ancha, Choddy ycurvos con el vástago largo.Líneas para pescar:Fortalezas y debilidades, aplicabilidad, marcas principales y rangode precios para: líneas principales, líneas para bajos, líneastrenzadas y recubiertas, trenzas flexibles, monofilamentos,flurocarbonos, leadcores, líneas líder y otros.Canas:Se explican los tipos de canas que se usan para pescar carpa, suscaracterísticas principales (acción, fuerza y longitud), y consejossobre las marcas, rango de precios y qué tipo de cana debenusarse.Carretes:Los componentes del carrete (zona interactiva con primeros planos),característicos, marcas y rango de precios.Accesorios:Accesorios que se usan en la jarcia de la carpa: eslabonesgiratorios, anillas para bajos, clips, picas, aguja para cebo,topes para cebo, P.V.A., masilla de volframio, estuche para bajos,etc.Bivvies:Como elegir el equipamiento para la acampada, que marcas están enel mercado y cuál es el rango de precios.Técnicas para cebar y pescar:Esta es una sección útil para preparar una sesión para la carpa obuscar nuevas ideas mientras se pesca.Consejos y trucos:Se utilizó un alto grado de persuasión para extraer estos consejosde nuestros especialistas. !Síganlos para tener éxito!Pesca de Carpa de Clear fishing, fue desarrollada en Europa.Para más información por favor visite: http://clearfishing.comCarp fishing is the mostcomprehensive guide available today in major app stores.This application covers all aspects of carp fishing: low mountand its applicability, knots, hooks models, lead systems, bait andlures, rods and reels, fishing lines, fittings, brackets alarmsgray and chopped , bivvies (shops) and beds, mats and sleepingbags, bait and fishing techniques, tips and tricks, and more.Fishing for carp, aims to present all the necessary informationto successfully capture carp. Guided by this application, a totalbeginner will be able to make your tackle box, select and attachhooks reliable, low mount, bait and bait choose wisely and targetcarp. Fishermen intermediate channels, acquire new knowledge,allowing them to approach terrain situations more effectively.Fishing for carp was developed by European carp specialists,journalists and programmers.Netherlands:The large amount of bass that were presented in magazines carp werereduced by our specialists to 7 key low cover virtually allsituations Carp Fishing: Bass Basic Hair (single), The low munecosnow, low Combi, low in recoil, low Maggot, low D and low 360degrees. The clear instructions and photos teach him how to ridecorrectly every low and tell how to use it. Follow the updatesadded specialized referrals or very low.Leads systems:This section teaches you how to select and install a system ofappropriate lead, becomes Lead Clip System (aka Lead SystemSemi-Set), The System (Chod) Helicopter or Lead System On-Line.There are many systems of weights recommended in the market, butmost are variations of those named above. The updates will alsopresent these variations.Knots:The 9 most important types of knots used in fishing for carp: Theknotless knot, Improved Clinch Knot, Albright Knot, The Grinnerknot, Palomar knot, Trilene Knot, Uni Knot, The curl Paternoster,The Blood Knot.Baits and lures:All types of baits and lures, from the pellets and boilies toparticles (seeds) and red worms are presented with details of theirapplicability and major brands.Types of hooks:The following hook types, their corresponding features,applicability and major brands are present: Stem curved, Long Stem,Wide Mouth, Choddy and curved with long stem.Fishing Lines:Strengths and weaknesses, applicability, major brands and pricerange for: main lines, bass lines, braided and coated lines,flexible braid, monofilament, fluorocarbon, leadcores, and otherleading lines.Canas:It explains the types of gray that are used for fishing carp, theirmain characteristics (action, strength and length), and advice onbrands, price range and what kind of channels should be used.Reels:The components of the reel (hotspot close-up), features, brands andprice range.Accessories:Accessories used in the rigging of the tent: swivels, bass loops,clips, spades, needle bait, bait stops, PVA, tungsten putty, basskit, etc..Bivvies:How to choose the equipment for camping, which brands are on themarket and what is the price range.Bait and fishing techniques:This section is useful for preparing a session for carp or find newideas while fishing.Tips and tricks:We used a high degree of persuasion to extract these tips from ourexperts. ! Follow them to succeed!Clear Carp Fishing fishing, was developed in Europe. For moreinformation please visit:
钓鱼日历 - Clear Fishing 1.0.8
根据Solunar理论来找出钓鱼之旅的最佳时期。免费且界面简单友好的钓鱼日历 - Clear Fishing间表将帮助您:—— 对一个月内最佳的鱼喂养期一目了然—— 一键取得每天每处的信息(钓鱼的最佳时间、日出和日落时分、月相变化阶段)—— 就您选择的位置获取天气预报(温度、风速和风向等)—— 通过直接查找地图或名称输入来确定新的钓鱼地区(集成了谷歌地图)—— 保存您最喜爱的位置,这样您以后再找到它们会更容易您既不必计算复杂的图表,也不需成为一个天体物理学家才能使用本应用提供的结果。一切展示都清晰且直观。不管您是钓鲤鱼还是食肉鱼,不管您是飞钓还是钓淡水鱼,都可以使用钓鱼日历 - ClearFishing间表来最大化您钓鱼成功的几率。请明智地计划您的钓鱼之旅!ClearFishing是一个专门致力于淡水钓鱼运动手机应用开发的欧洲软件开发商。我们的团队由竞赛钓鱼者、顾问、钓鱼记者、平面设计师、动画师、摄影师、编辑和程序员组成,他们来自超过6个国家。十多年以来,我们一直充满激情地致力于为钓鱼者提供杂志和指南以及组织活动、比赛、交易会和展览会,并创建网站和手机应用程序。如果您想了解更多的钓鱼技术,包括用具、诱饵、引诱、绑线、打结以及小贴士和专家意见的话,则一定要发掘ClearFishing品牌下的其他国际适用的应用程序。我们为您带来精心设计和组织的信息,从而使您在您的下一次钓鱼之旅会有更大的成功。According Solunar Theoryto find the best time for fishing trip.Free and user-friendly and simple fishing calendar - between ClearFishing table will help you:- Within a month of the best fish feeding at a glance- A key to get information at every day (the best time for fishing,sunrise and sunset, moon phase change stage)- Get the weather forecast (temperature, wind speed and winddirection, etc.) on the location of your choice- Be determined by direct lookup map or enter a name for the newfishing areas (integrated Google Maps)- Save your favorite location, so that you later find that theywill be easierYou either do not have the computational complexity of the chart,nor do they need to become an astrophysicist in order to use thisapplication to provide results. All shows are clear andintuitive.Whether you are fishing for carp or carnivorous fish, whetheryou're fly-fishing or fishing freshwater fishing can use thecalendar - between Clear Fishing Fishing table to maximize yourchances of success. Please wisely plan your fishing trip!Clear Fishing is a dedicated mobile application developmentfreshwater sport fishing of European software developers. Our teamconsists of competition anglers, consultants, fishing reporters,graphic designers, animators, photographers, editors andprogrammers, all of whom come fromMore than six countries.Ten years, we have been passionately committed to providingmagazines and guides, and organize activities for anglers,competitions, fairs and exhibitions, and create websites and mobileapplications.If you want to know more fishing techniques, equipment, bait, lure,tie wire, tie a knot and includes tips and expert advice, then besure to explore the application of international applicable toother Clear Fishing brand. We bring you well-designed andgroupOrganization of information, so you will have more time on yournext fishing trip a success.
Karpfen Angeln 5.0
Achtung! Karpfen Angeln ist kein Spiel,sondern eine App für Angler.Karpfen Angeln ist ein Komplettpaket: sowohl Handbuch mitAnleitungen für Montagen, Knoten u.a., als auch ein werbefreierRatgeber für Gerät, Zubehör und Ausrüstung. Die weltweit erste App,die sich ausschließlich und umfassend dem Karpfenangeln widmet.In neun Haupt- und vielen Unterkategorien erhalten Sieausführliche Anweisungen für Montagen & Rigs, Knoten, dierichtige Wahl von Haken und Bleien, von Ködern und Lockfutter, Rute& Rolle, Schnüren, Zubehör wie Bissanzeiger, Rutenhalter,Campingausrüstung, Landungshilfen und Kleinteilen von Agraffe bisTail Rubber. Eine kleine Karpfenkunde ist auch dabei.Anfänger können mithilfe der verständlich formulierten App:Grundkenntnisse erwerben, sich Ihre erste Ausrüstungzusammenstellen, selbstständig Montagen herstellen und lernen, dierichtige Wahl bei Ködern und Futter zu treffen.Fortgeschrittene können sich zu neuen Techniken inspirieren lassenund unsere Anleitungen als Gedächtnishilfe am Angelplatz benutzen,wo sie schnell einen Knoten oder ein Rig nachschlagen können.Profis sind eingeladen, Ihre ausgefeilten Montagen mit unseren zuvergleichen und uns daran zu messen.Hier eine Vorschau:• In der Kategorie MONTAGEN UND RIGS finden Sie:Schritt-für-Schritt-Anweisungen für die Herstellung der wichtigstenRigs, verständlich und mit deutlichen Fotos illustriert. Von dereinfachen Haarmontage über Snowman-, Blowback-, D-Rig, 360°-Rig biszu Helikopter-, Inline-Montagen u.a. erhalten Sie hier einebeträchtliche Anzahl der wichtigsten Anleitungen, um für alleEventualitäten gewappnet zu sein. Extra: Anleitung zumLeadcore-Spleißen.• Kategorie KNOTEN: Lernen Sie Schritt für Schritt die wichtigsten9 Knoten zu binden, die beim Karpfenangeln unverzichtbar sind.Benutzen Sie dann die bebilderten Anleitungen als schnelleGedächtnisstütze an der Angelstelle. Darunter sind derClinch-Knoten, No Knot, Albright-Knoten u.a.• Kategorie KÖDER UND LOCKFUTTER: Erfahren Sie, wie und wann diewichtigsten Köder eingesetzt werden.• In der Kategorie AUSRÜSTUNG UND ZUBEHÖR finden Sie Infos u.a.zu:- Schnüren und Vorfachmaterial: Ob (un-/) beschichtete Geflechte,Monofile, Fluorocarbon, Leadcore, Schlagschnüre, hier steht alles,was man wissen muss, um die richtige Schnur zu wählen.- Bleien: die wichtigsten Karpfenbleie von Flachbleien bis Grippaund ihre Einsatzgebiete- Rig-Zubehör: In 15 Unterkategorien alle wichtigen Bausteineenthalten.- Camping: Finden Sie heraus, worauf man beim Kauf von Zelten,Karpfenliegen und Schlafsäcken achten muss.• Unter den Kategorien RUTE & ROLLE werden Sie die wichtigstenRutentypen kennenlernen und mit den Begriffen Aktion und Powerendlich was anfangen können; Karpfenrollen und ihre Komponenteneinleuchtend erklärt bekommen.• BONUS: In der Kategorie TIPPS UND TRICKS verraten unsereRedakteure (nur ungern) große und kleine Geheimnisse, die zum Fangführen.Karpfen Angeln ist die erste App weltweit, die in europäischerKooperation von Redakteuren in Angelzeitschriften entwickelt wurde.Die Verfasser sind selbst erfahrene und erfolgreiche Karpfenangler,alle Ratschläge und Tipps sind erprobt. Sie wird auf Deutsch,Englisch und in anderen Sprachen erhältlich sein.ClearFish ist der internationale Herausgeber von Karpfen Angeln.Wir arbeiten zurzeit an weiteren Versionen und Apps aus diesemBereich.Mit einem Feedback können Sie uns helfen, noch besser zu• Nach dem Download sind alle Inhalte offline verfügbar. Siebrauchen keine Internetverbindung oder Videolinks.• ALLE beschriebenen Inhalte und Anleitungen sind im Kaufpreisenthalten, es fallen keine weiteren Kosten an.• Keine Werbung / add-free!• Upgrades und Erweiterungen sind in Planung.Watch Out! Carp fishingis not a game, but an app for anglers.Carp fishing is a complete package: both manual withinstructions for assembly, nodes etc., as well as a commercial-freeguide for equipment, supplies and equipment. The world's first app,exclusively and comprehensively addresses the carp fishing.In nine major and many subcategories Get complete instructionsfor assembly & rigs, knots, the right choice of hooks andsinkers, lures and baits, rod & reel, cords, accessories suchas bite indicator, rod holders, camping gear, landing aids andsmall parts of Agraffe to Tail Rubber. A small carp customer isattending.Beginners can use the app comprehensible manner: acquire basicknowledge, put together your first equipment to independentlyproduce assemblies and learn to make the right choice for bait andfeed.Advanced users can be inspired to new techniques and use ourpatterns as a reminder to the fishing spot, where they can look upa node or a rig quickly.Professionals are invited to compare your sophisticated montageswith ours and judge us.Here's a preview:• In the category MOUNTS AND RIGS, see: Step-by-step instructionsfor making the most rigs, understood and illustrated with clearphotos. From simple hair mounting on Snowman-, Blowback-, D-Rig,360 ° -Rig up to helicopter, inline assembly, among others obtainhere a considerable number of the most important instructions to beprepared for all eventualities. Extra: How to Lead Coresplicing.• Category NODE: Learn how to tie step by step through the key 9knots, which are essential in carp fishing. Then use the variationsas a reminder to the fishing spot. The Improved Clinch Knot, noknot, Albright Knot include• Category BAIT AND baits: Learn how and when the main baitused.• In the category EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES You can findinformation among other things, to:- Lace and Trace Material: Whether (un /) coated braids,monofilament, fluorocarbon, lead core, chalk lines, everything hereis what you need to know to select the right cord.- Bleien: the main Carp Leads flat Bleien to Grippa and theirApplications- Rig Accessories: In 15 sub-blocks contain all important.- Camping: Find out what to look for when buying tents, carp chairsand sleeping bags.• Among the categories ROD & REEL you are the most importanttypes of rods Meet and finally be able to start something with theconcepts of action and power; Carp Reels and their componentsevident get explained.• BONUS: In the category TIPS AND TRICKS our editors reveal(reluctant) large and small secrets that lead to the catcher.Carp fishing is the world's first app, which was developed inEuropean cooperation of editors in fishing magazines. The authorsare experienced and successful carp anglers, all the advice andtips are tested. It will be available in German, English and otherlanguages.Clear Fish is the international editor of carp fishing. We arecurrently working on additional versions and apps from thisarea.With feedback you can help us to become even better:• After downloading all the contents available offline. You do notneed Internet connection or video links.• ALL-described content and instructions are included in thepurchase price, there will be no additional costs.• No advertising / add-free!• upgrades and enhancements are planned.
Pêche - Calendrier Solunaire 1.0.5
Apprenez quelles sont les périodes les plusfavorables à la pêche selon la théorie solunaire.Gratuit et avec une interface conviviale Pêche - CalendrierSolunaire de Clear Fishingvous aide à:découvrir rapidement quelles sont les meilleures périodes denutrition des poissons durant un moisapprendre des détails pour chaque jour, chaque lieu, en un seulclic (les meilleures heures de pêche, le lever et le coucher dusoleil, les phases de la Lune)apprendre les prévisions météo sur deux semaines, a n’importe quelendroit vouluidentifier de nouveaux lieux de pêche par la recherche directe surla carte ou d’après le nom du lieu de pêche (intégration GoogleMaps)sauver ses lieux préférées afin de les retrouver plus facilementVous ne devrez ni interpréter des graphiques compliqués nicomprendre l’astrophysique pour utiliser les résultats de cetteapplication. La présentation est intuitive et claire.Même si vous participez à une partie de pêche stationnaire, à lacarpe, au carnassier ou à la mouche, optimisez vos chances pour unepartie réussie avec Pêche - Calendrier Solunaire de ClearFishing.Organisez intelligemment vos parties de pêche !Clear Fishing est un développeur européen spécialisé dans lesapplications mobiles dédiées à la pêche sportive en eaux douces.Notre équipe est formée de pêcheurs de compétition, consultants,journalistes spécialisés, graphistes, animateurs, photographes,éditeurs et programmateurs de plus de six pays. Depuis plus de 10ans nous offrons aux pêcheurs avec passion des magazines, guides,événements, et compétitions, foires et expositions, sites web,applications mobiles, etc.Si vous voulez obtenir plus d 'information sur les techniques depêche, montages, appâts, fils, nœuds, conseils et trucs, découvrezles autres applications promues au niveau international par lamarque Clear Fishing. Nous avons soigneusement conçu et structurétoutes les informations pour que vos futures parties de pêchesoient un vrai succès.
Wurftechniken- Raubfischangeln 2.0
Die erste App, die ausschließlich denWurftechniken des Süßwasser-Raubfischangelns gewidmet ist:- Überkopf-Wurf- Seitenwurf- Rollwurf- Pitching- Flipping- SkippingSpeziell angefertigte Video-Animationen (mitZeitlupendarstellung), Zeichnungen und Abbildungen, Fotos und Textewerden Ihnen dabei helfen zu lernen, wie man den Köder auswirft undzielgenau die Hot Spots erreicht, an denen Raubfische ihrer Beuteauflauern. Jede Wurftechnik wird sowohl für dasBaitcasting-Equipment als auch für die Verwendung einerStationärrolle erklärt.Die Artikel erklären für jede der oben genannten Techniken:- Anwendung- die richtigen Köder- empfohlene Ausrüstung- Vorteile- Nachteile- Hinweise für Anfänger- Tipps und TricksAnfänger werden darüber hinaus Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitungenzu den folgenden Themen finden:- wie man Stationär- und Baitcasterrollen befüllt- wie man Stationär- und Baitcasterrollen für den Wurfeinstellt- wie man die Rute bei Verwendung einer Stationär- oderBaitcasterrolle für den Wurf richtig greift- wie man die Rute einer Stationär- oder Baitcasterrolle richtighält, wenn man den Köder einholt oder einen Fisch drillt.Wurftechniken – Raubfischangeln von Clear-Fishing wurde voneinem internationalen Team von Anglern, Beratern undFachjournalisten, Graphikern, Herausgebern und Programmierernentwickelt. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte http://clearfishing.comVielleicht möchten Sie weitere erfolgreiche Apps aus unserer Reihezum Karpfenangeln ausprobieren: Karpfenangeln, Montagen und Knoten,Köder, Ausrüstung.The first app that isdedicated exclusively to the throwing techniques of the freshwaterpredatory fish:- Overhead Throw- Page litter- Roll cast- Pitching- Flipping- SkippingSpecially made video animations (with slow play), drawings andillustrations, photographs and texts will help you to learn how toeject the bait and accurately reach the hot spots where predatorsambush their prey. Any throwing technique is explained for both thebaitcasting equipment as well as for the use of a spinningreel.The articles explain for each of the above techniques:- Application- The right bait- Recommended equipment- Benefits- Disadvantages- Advice for beginners- Tips and TricksBeginners will also find step-by-step instructions on thefollowing topics:- How to fill stationary and Baitcasterrollen- Adjusts how stationary and Baitcasterrollen for the throw- How engages the rod when using a stationary or Baitcasterrollefor the throw properly- How to keep the tail of a stationary or Baitcasterrolle properlywhen the bait catches a fish or twisted.Throwing techniques - Predator fishing Clear-Fishing wasdeveloped by an international team of anglers, consultants andeditors, graphic artists, editors and programmers. For moreinformation, please visit http://clearfishing.comMaybe you want to try other successful apps from our series forcarp fishing: carp fishing, assemblies and nodes, bait,equipment.
Tecniche di lancio 2.0
La prima app dedicata alle tecniche di lancioper la pesca ai predatori nelle acque dolci:- Overhead cast- Side cast- Roll cast- Pitching- Flipping- SkippingAppositamente corredati di animazioni video (con spezzoni amovimento lento), disegni, diagrammi, foto e testi che tiaiuteranno ad imparare i diversi modi di lanciare un artificiale eraggiungere gli hot spots dove i tuoi pesci stanno tendendol'agguato alle loro prede. Ogni tecnica di lancio è spiegata siaper l'attrezzatura da spinning che per quella da baitcasting.Gli articoli mostrano per ogni tecnica di lancio sopramenzionata:- utilizzo- artificiali ed esche adeguati- attrezzatura consigliata- vantaggi- svantaggi- consigli per i principianti- trucchi & suggerimentiI principianti troveranno anche passo per passo istruzioni efoto su:- come imbobinare i mulinelli da spinning e quelli dabaitcasting- come regolare per il lancio un mulinello da spinning e uno dabaitcasting- come tenere e impugnare per il lancio una canna da spinning e unada baitcasting- come tenere una canna da spinning e una da baitcasting durante ilrecupero e il combattimento col pesceTecniche di lancio - Pesca ai predatori by Clear Fishing è statosviluppato da un team internazionale di pescatori, consulenti egiornalisti di pesca, artisti, editori e sviluppatori. Perulteriori informazioni visita: http://clearfishing.comPotresti voler dare uno sguardo alla nostra famiglia di apps dicarp fishing di successo internazionale: Carp Fishing, Montature& Nodi, Esche & Inneschi, Attrezzatura da pesca.The first app dedicatedto throwing techniques for fishing for predators in freshwater:- Overhead cast- Side cast- Roll cast- Pitching- Flipping- SkippingSpecially equipped with video animations (with clips in slowmotion), drawings, diagrams, photos and text that will help youlearn the different ways to launch an artificial and reach the hotspots where your fish are tending the ambush their prey. Eachthrowing technique is explained for both the equipment for spinningand baitcasting that.The articles show for each throwing technique mentionedabove:- Use- Artificial lures and adequate- Recommended equipment- Advantages- Disadvantages- Advice for beginners- Tips & tricksBeginners will also find step by step instructions and photoson:- Imbobinare as the reels spinning and baitcasting those- How to adjust for the launch of a spinning reel and onebaitcasting- How to hold and hold to launch a spinning rod and abaitcasting- How to hold a spinning rod and a baitcasting during recovery andthe fight with the fishThrowing techniques - Fishing from predators by Clear Fishingwas developed by an international team of fishermen, fishingconsultants and journalists, artists, publishers and developers.For more information visit: http://clearfishing.comYou might want to take a look at our family of appsinternationally successful carp fishing: Carp Fishing, Mounts &Knots, Baits & Triggers, Fishing tackle.
Pesca en agua dulce 1.0
Pesca en agua dulce- Clear Fishing es unaaplicación tanto como para los principiantes como para lospescadores con más experiencia quienes quieren capturar nuevasespecies. Descubra como puede capturar las 33 especies de peces deagua dulce más importantes:- dónde encontrarlas- las técnicas utilizadas para atraparlas- los bajos, señuelos y cebo más efectivos- el equipo y nudos necesarios- apreciados consejos y secretosEsto es un resumen de las nueve secciones de esta aplicación:Peces33 especies de agua dulce, con las características individuales,área geográfica, lugares donde capturarlas, técnicas recomendadas,señuelos y cebo, el equipo necesario y todo lo demás que necesitesaberSeñuelos y ceboLos señuelos más importantes y el cebo utilizado en la pesca deagua dulce.BajosEscoja el bajo adecuado de entre 22 elecciones codificadas porcolor. Los bajos y montajes cubren las técnicas másimportantes:-pesca en río-pesca en lago-pesca con pértiga-pesca a fondo-pesca con caña para flotador-pesca de depredador utilizando cebos naturales o señuelos-pesca feeder-pesca de carpaLas claras instrucciones paso a paso y las fotos le mostrarán comoconstruir correctamente cada bajo. Cada artículo le enseña dóndeutilizar un bajo en particular, que cebo usar, y las ventajas ydesventajas de cada uno. Todo seguido de una serie deconsejos.NudosLos pescadores de competición con experiencia y éxito han elegido 8nudos de docenas en la pesca deportiva. Estos 8 nudos cubren casicualquier situación. Explicamos como hacer cada uno de ellos paso apaso y utilizando diagramas claros.Técnicas de pescaLe mostramos 10 técnicas importantes de pesca deportiva:-medición de profundidad-cómo lanzar una flotador adecuadamente-cómo pescar “método de sustentación”-cómo pescar “en la caída”- cómo pescar estilo “trotting”-cómo cebar con tirador-lanzamiento por encima de la cabeza-lucha con el pezLas fotos claras y las instrucciones le ayudarán a dominar cadatécnica.El lanzamiento por encima de la cabeza, la técnica de lanzamientomás común, se explica utilizando un vídeo original con animaciones(con segmentos a cámara lenta), diagramas, fotografías, y texto.Será capaz de aprender a realizar esta técnica esencial utilizandouna mano o ambas.Caja de pescaUna caja de pesca es más complicada y espaciosa que el maletero deun vendedor. Las 25 secciones y las imágenes que las acompañan leayudarán a entender que necesitará contener su caja. Incluso leproporcionamos una solución para organizar su caja, utilizando unafotografía de una caja, en la cuál cada artículo es pinchable y lelleva a una sección por separado.EquipoEl equipo de pesca ha llegado a ser muy sofisticado: 58 seccionesclaramente ilustradas explican la anatomía del anzuelo, pértiga,caña, y el carrete, y las características de cada una. Le ofrecemossoluciones claras para:- su primer colección de equipo- equipo adecuado para la pesca en río o lago, pesca con flotador oa fondo- equipo para carpa, feeder y depredador- equipo para spinning o baitcastingLugaresSecciones ilustradas en los mejores lugares para pescar en dostipos de agua – estancada y corriente.Consejos y trucosInformación importante para el éxito de una salida de pescar y parasu progreso como pescador.Si desea más información sobre técnicas específicas de pesca,bajos, señuelos, cebo, líneas, nudos y consejos, le invitamos a quedescubra otras aplicaciones de éxito internacional lanzadas por lamarca Clear Fishing. Hemos diseñando cuidadosamente y estructuradola información para que sea capaz de maximizar su éxito durantecada futura salida de pesca.Clear fishingfreshwater-Fishing is an application to both beginners and moreexperienced anglers who want to catch new species. Discover how youcan capture 33 fish species most important freshwater:- Where to find- The techniques used to catch them- The lower, more effective lures and bait- The equipment and components needed- Appreciated tips and secretsThis is a summary of the nine sections of this application:Fish33 freshwater species, with individual characteristics, geographicarea, where you capture, recommended techniques, lures and bait,equipment needed and everything else you need to knowLures and baitThe most important lures and bait used in freshwater fishing.NetherlandsChoose the right lower of 22 color-coded choices. Low andassemblies cover the most important techniques:-fishing in river-fishing lake-fishing Polethoroughly -fishing-fishing angling for float-fishing predator using natural baits or lures-fishing feeder-fishing carpClear step by step instructions and photos show you how tosuccessfully build each floor. Each article shows you where to usea bass in particular that bait to use, and the advantages anddisadvantages of each. All followed by a number of tips.KnotsFishermen in competition with experience and success have chosen 8knots dozen in sport fishing. These 8 knots cover most anysituation. We explain how to do each step and using cleardiagrams.Fishing TechniquesWe display 10 major sport fishing techniques:-measurement depth-how to properly throw a float-how to fish "lift method"fish-how "in the fall"- How to fish style "trotting"prime-how with handleLaunching over the head-a fight with the fishClear photos and instructions to help you master eachtechnique.The pitch over the head, the most common release technique isexplained using an original video animation (with slow motionsegments), diagrams, photographs and text. You will be able tolearn to perform this essential technique using one hand orboth.Tackle boxA tackle box is more complicated and the spacious trunk of aseller. The 25 sections and accompanying images will help you tounderstand that need to contain the box. We even provide a solutionto organize your box, using a photograph of a box, in which eachitem is clickable and takes you to a section separately.TeamFishing equipment has become very sophisticated: 58 clearlyillustrated sections explain the anatomy of the hook, pole, rod andreel, and the characteristics of each. We offer clear solutionsfor:- The first collection equipment- Suitable for river or lake fishing equipment, fishing float orbackground- Equipment for carp, feeder and predator- Equipment for spinning or baitcastingPlacesStagnant and running - illustrated in the best places to fish intwo types of water sections.Tips and TricksImportant to the success of an output rod and your progress as afisherman.For more information on specific fishing techniques, bass,lures, bait, lines, knots and advice, we invite you to discoverother applications internationally successful brand launched byClear Fishing. We have carefully designed and structuredinformation to be able to maximize their future success during eachfishing trip.
낚시 달력 - Clear Fishing 1.0.8
Solunar 이론을 바탕으로 낚시 여행의 최적 시기를 알아내십시오.무료이며 단순하고 친화적인 인터페이스를 자랑합니다. Clear Fishing은 다음과 같은 도움을 드립니다.- 한 달 이내의 최적 피딩 타임을 한눈에 찾을 수 있습니다- 한 번의 클릭으로 모든 날과 장소에 대한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다(최적 출조 시간, 일 출몰 시간, 달의위상)- 선택한 위치의 일기 예보를 확인할 수 있습니다(온도, 풍속 및 풍향 등)- 직접 지도를 검색하거나 이름을 입력하여(구글 지도와 통합) 새로운 출어 구역을 찾을 수 있습니다- 마음에 드는 위치를 저장하여 나중에 더 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다본 앱이 제공하는 결과를 이용하기 위해서 복잡한 그래프를 계산할 필요도 없고 천체 물리학자가 될 필요도 없습니다. 모든것이 명확하고 직관적으로 배치되어 있습니다.잉어 낚시, 프레더터 낚시, 제물낚시, 민물 잡어 낚시 등 종류에 상관없이 Clear Fishing Time을 사용해서조과의 가능성을 극대화하십시오. 낚시 여행을 현명하게 준비하십시오!Clear Fishing은 민물낚시 전용 휴대전화 앱을 전문으로 취급하는 유럽의 개발자입니다. 우리 팀은 낚시 대회 참여조사, 컨설턴트, 낚시 기자, 그래픽 아티스트, 사진작가, 편집자 및 프로그래머 등으로 구성되어 있습니다. 이들의 출신국가는 6개국이 넘습니다. 우리는 십 년 넘게 조사를 위한 잡지와 안내서를 제공해 왔고 행사, 대회, 박람회 및 전시회조직 그리고 웹사이트와 휴대전화 앱 개발 등에 정열적으로 헌신해 왔습니다.정보와 전문가 조언뿐만 아니라 낚시 기술, 낚시 도구, 미끼, 루어, 라인 및 매듭 등에 대해서 더 자세히 알고 싶으면Clear Fishing 상표의 일부로서 국제적으로 제공되는 다른 앱을 참조하시기 바랍니다. 우리가 제공하는 정보는신중하게 설계되고 조직되었으므로 다음 낚시 여행 시 성공 가능성이 더욱 높아질 것입니다.Find out the best timefor fishing trips based on the Solunar Theory.Free and boasts a simple and friendly interface. We will help you:Clear Fishing.- You can find at a glance the best time of feeding within onemonth- You can get the information with a single click on any date andplace (best chuljo time, one time haunt, the phase of themoon)- You can check the weather forecast for the selected location(temperature, wind speed and wind direction, etc.)You can find new chuleo search area on the map, or enter the namedirectly (integration with Google Maps)- Later, you can find it easier to save your favoritelocationsNeed to calculate the complex graph in order to use this app is toprovide the results not no need to be self astrophysics. All clearand are arranged in a straight forward.To maximize the possibility of using Clear Fishing Time jogwaregardless of the types of carp fishing, presentation deoteofishing, fly fishing, freshwater fishing bycatch. Prepare wiselyfishing trip!Europe is a developer specializing in freshwater fishing is theonly mobile phone app Clear Fishing. The survey is composed oftournament fishing participation, consultants, fishing journalist,graphic artists, photographers, editors and programmers our team.We have over 06 of these countries national origin. Has beendevoted to the passionate like events, competitions, fairs andexhibitions organization, phone app development and mobile websites for over ten years to provide for the investigation came toour magazine and guide.Please see our available internationally as part of the ClearFishing trademarks learn more about fishing techniques, etc.,tackle, bait, lures, line and knot the other app information andexpert advice as well. This information is provided by ourorganization has been designed and carefully following the morechance of success during a fishing trip higher.
Kalendarz brań wędkarskich 1.0.8
Dowiedz się, jakie są najlepsze okresydla wypraw połowowych w oparciu o teorię solunarną.Darmowa aplikacja Kalendarz brań wędkarskich, odznaczająca sięprostym i przyjaznym interfejsem,  pomoże Ci:- Bez trudu dowiedzieć się, jakie są najlepsze okresykarmienia ryb w ciągu miesiąca- Jednym kliknięciem uzyskać informacje na poszczególne dni imiejscea (najlepsze czasy połowów, godziny zachodów i wschodówSłońca, fazy Księżyca)- Pobierać prognozy pogody dla wybranych miejsc (temperatura,prędkość i kierunek wiatru, itp.)- Określać nowe obszary połowów poprzez bezpośrednie wyszukiwanie mapę lub wpisując nazwę (funkcje zintegrowane z GoogleMaps)- Zapisywać swoje ulubione miejsca, dzięki czemu można je późniejłatwiej znaleźć ponownieNie będziesz musiał tworzyć skomplikowanych wykresów inie będziesz potrzebował być astrofizykiem, aby móc korzystać zwyników dostarczonych przez tę aplikację. Wszystko jest w niejzostało zaprojektowane, aby było przystępne i działałointuicyjnie.Czy łowisz karpie, czy też ryby drapieżne; czy uprawiaszwędkarstwo muchowe, czy też spławikowo-gruntowe, zwiększ swojeszanse na branie za pomocą aplikacji Kalendarz brańwędkarskich. Organizuj swoje wyprawy wędkarskie w sposóbprzemyślany!Clear Fishing jest europejskim deweloperem oprogramowania,specjalizującym się w aplikacjach telefonii komórkowej,dedykowanych słodkowodnemu wędkarstwu sportowemu. Nasz zespółskłada się z biorących udział w konkursach wędkarzy,konsultantów, dziennikarzy wędkarskich, grafików, animatorów,fotografów, wydawców i programistów z ponad 6 krajów. Przez ponaddziesięć lat, z pasją zajmujemy się dostarczaniem wędkarzomczasopism i przewodników, organizowaniem imprez, konkursów, targówi wystaw, a także tworzeniem stron internetowych i aplikacji dotelefonów komórkowych.Jeśli chcieliby Państwo dowiedzieć się więcej na temat technikpołowowych, sprzętu wędkarskiego, przynęt, zanęt, żyłek i węzłów, atakże uzyskać wskazówki i poradyekspertów, niezawodnie odkryj też inne aplikacje udostępniane międzynarodowo pod markąClear Fishing. Mamy starannie zaprojektowane i skonstruowanemateriały informacyjne, dające Klientom więcej szans na sukcesw kolejnych wyprawach wędkarskich.Find out what are thebest periods for fishing expeditions based on the theorysolunarną.Free application Calendar bite fishing, distinguished by a simpleand friendly interface will help you:- Easily find out what are the best fish feeding periods duringthe month- One click to get information on individual days and miejscea (thebest fishing times, times the sunsets and sunrises, moonphases)- Retrieve weather forecasts for selected locations (temperature,wind speed and direction, etc..)- Identify new fishing areas through direct search map or by typingthe name (functions integrated with Google Maps)- Save your favorite places so you can easily find them lateragainYou will not have to create complex graphs and you will not needto be an astrophysicist to be able to use the results provided bythis application. Everything in it is designed to be affordable andwork intuitively.Did you catch carp or predatory fish; if I enjoy fly fishing, orexample item, increase your chances of taking using the Calendarbite fishing. Organize your fishing trips in a well thoughtout!Clear Fishing is a European software developer specializing inmobile applications, dedicated to sports angling słodkowodnemu. Ourteam consists of taking part in competitions anglers, consultants,journalists, fishing, graphic designers, animators, photographers,publishers and developers with over 6 countries. For over tenyears, with the passion we have been providing anglers magazinesand guides, organizing events, competitions, fairs and exhibitions,as well as the creation of websites and applications for mobilephones.If you would like to learn more about fishing techniques, fishingtackle, lures, baits, veins and knots, and get tips and expertadvice, reliably discover also other applications availableinternationally under the brand name Clear Fishing. We havecarefully designed and constructed handouts, giving customers moreopportunities for success in future fishing trips.
Beissindex Clear Fishing 1.0.8
Ermitteln Sie die besten Fangaussichten undAngelzeiten mit unserer Beißindex-App, die auf Grundlage derSolunar-Theorie entwickelt worden ist.Clear Fishing Beißindex ist kostenlos. Die App hat eineanwenderfreundliche und einfache Benutzeroberfläche. Mit ihr könnenSie:- auf einen Blick die besten Anfütterungs- und Angelzeiten fürFische im Lauf eines Monats ablesen,- mit einem Klick umfassende Informationen für jeden Tag und jedePosition aufrufen (beste Angelzeit, Sonnenaufgang und Untergang,Mondphasen)- die Wettervorhersage für Ihre ausgewählte Location (Temperatur,Windgeschwindigkeit und Richtung, usw.)- neue Angelplätze entdecken, indem Sie die Landkarte absuchen oderIhren Zielort eingeben (in Google Maps integriert),- Ihre Lieblingsangelplätze zu Favoriten hinzufügen undabspeichern, so dass Sie sie einfach und jederzeit wieder aufrufenkönnen.Alle Daten sind verständlich und intuitiv ablesbar; man mussnicht Astrophysiker sein oder komplizierte Diagramme interpretierenkönnen, um die Informationen aus dieser App einfach und sinnvollanzuwenden.Egal, ob Sie auf Räuber oder Karpfen oder andere Friedfische aussind, oder ob Sie zu den Fliegenfischern gehören: Sie können mitClear Fishing Beißindex Ihre Beiß- und Fangaussichten erheblichverbessern. Die Voraussagen können Ihnen außerdem alsEntscheidungshilfe dienen, wenn Sie Ihren nächsten Angeltripplanen.Clear Fishing ist ein europäischer App-Entwickler spezialisiertauf den Angelsport in Süßwassergebieten. Unser Team setzt sichzusammen aus Anglern, Beratern und Fachjournalisten, Grafikern,Herausgebern, Fotografen und Programmierern aus mehr als sechsLändern. Seit über einem Jahrzehnt haben wir uns mit Leidenschaftdem Angeln verschrieben und haben Zeitschriften und Angelführerherausgegeben, Angelwettbewerbe, Messen und Ausstellungenorganisiert sowie Websites und Apps entwickelt.Wenn Sie mehr über Angeltechniken, Ausrüstung, Köder, Schnüren undKnoten lernen wollen und an Profitipps und Expertenratschlägeinteressiert sind, entdecken Sie die Welt der vielfältigen ClearFishing Apps. Wir haben für Sie nützliche und spannendeInformationen sorgfältig recherchiert, zusammengestellt unddesignt, damit Ihr nächster Angelausflug noch erfolgreicherwird.Besuchen Sie uns auch auf the bestcatcher prospects and fishing time with our Beißindex app that hasbeen developed based on the Solunar Theory.     Clear Fishing Beißindex is free.The app has a user-friendly and simple interface. With it youcan:See at a glance the best Anfütterungs and fishing time for fishin the course of a month -- With a click comprehensive information for every day and everyposition call (best time for fishing, sunrise and sunset, moonphases)- The weather forecast for your selected location (temperature,wind speed and direction, etc.)- Discovering new fishing spots by scour the map, or enter yourdestination (in integrated Google Maps)- Add and save your favorite fishing spots to favorites, so you cancall anytime and easy again.     All data are understandable andintuitive to read, you do not have to be an astrophysicist orinterpret complicated diagrams from this app use the informationsimple and meaningful.Whether you are on thieves or carp or other coarse fish from, orwhether you belong to the fly fishermen: You can use Clear FishingBeißindex greatly improve your bite and catching prospects. Thepredictions you can also serve as a decision-making tool when youare planning your next fishing trip.     Clear Fishing is a European appdevelopers dedicated to the sport of fishing in freshwater areas.Our team is made up of fishermen, consultants and journalists,graphic designers, editors, photographers, and programmers frommore than six countries. For over a decade we have dedicatedourselves with passion to the fishing and have published magazinesand fishing guide, organized fishing competitions, fairs andexhibitions and develops websites and apps.If you want to learn more about fishing techniques, tackle, lures,cords and knots and are interested in professional tips and advicefrom experts, explore the world of diverse Clear Fishing Apps. Wehave useful and interesting information for you carefullyresearched, compiled and designed to make your next fishing tripeven more successful.Come and visit us. Http:// on
Solunario di Clear Fishing 1.0.8
Descrizione del SolunarioScopri i periodi migliori per le uscite di pesca, basati sullateoria del Solunario.Gratuitamente, e attraverso un’interfaccia semplice e agevole,il Solunario di Clear Fishing ti aiuterà a:- Scoprire alla prima occhiata i periodi migliori dialimentazione del pesce nell’arco di un mese- Avere con un click le informazioni per ogni giorno e posto (iperiodi migliori per pescare, gli orari a cui il sole sorge etramonta, le fasi lunari)- Avere le previsioni meteo per il tuo posto scelto (temperatura,velocità e direzione del vento etc.)- Individuare nuove zone di pesca consultando direttamente la mappao inserendo un nome per la ricerca (integrata con GoogleMaps)- Salvare i tuoi posti preferiti così che puoi ritrovarli dopo piùfacilmenteNon dovrai comprendere grafici complicati e non hai bisogno diessere un astrofisico per essere in grado di usare i risultatiforniti da quest’applicazione. Tutto è strutturato in modo chiaro eintuitivo.Sia che tu peschi carpe o predatori, o che tu peschi a mosca ocon la lenza, massimizza le tue possibilità d’abboccata con ilSolunario di Clear Fishing. Organizza saggiamente le tue uscite dipesca!Clear Fishing è un developer europeo specializzato inapplicazioni per telefonia mobile dedicate alla pesca sportivanelle acque dolci. Il nostro team è composto da pescatori agonisti,consulenti, giornalisti di pesca, grafici, animatori, fotografi,editori e programmatori provenienti da più di 6 Paesi. Per più diun decennio ci siamo dedicati con passione a fornire ai pescatoririviste e guide, a organizzare eventi, concorsi, fiere e mostre, ea creare siti web e applicazioni per telefonia mobile.Se vuoi saperne di più su tecniche di pesca, attrezzatura,esche, artificiali, fili e nodi, nonché ricevere suggerimenti econsigli di esperti, allora scopri le altre applicazionidisponibili a livello internazionale che fanno parte del marchioClear Fishing. Abbiamo studiato e strutturato accuratamente leinformazioni che ti diamo affinchè tu abbia maggior successo nellatua prossima uscita di pesca.Description Solunario     Discover the best times forfishing trips, based on the theory of Solunario.     Free, and through a simple andeasy, the Solunario Clear Fishing will help you:- Find out at a glance the best times of feeding the fish in amonth- Having a single click information for each day and place (thebest times to fish, the times at which the sun rises and sets, themoon phases)- Have the weather forecast for your chosen place (temperature,wind speed and direction, etc.).- Identify new fishing directly by consulting the map or byentering a name for your search (integrated with Google Maps)- Save your favorite places so that you can find them more easilyafter     You understand complicatedgraphics and you do not need to be an astrophysicist to be able touse the results provided by this application. Everything isstructured in a clear and intuitive.     Whether you fish for carp orpredators, or that you draw or fly tackle, maximizes your chancesof bite with the Solunario Clear Fishing. Plan your fishing tripswisely!     Clear Fishing is a Europeandeveloper specializing in mobile applications dedicated to sportfishing in fresh water. Our team is made up of fishermen agonists,consultants, journalists, fishing, graphics, animators,photographers, editors and programmers from over 6 countries. Formore than a decade we have dedicated ourselves to provide anglerswith a passion magazines and guides, to organize events,competitions, fairs and exhibitions, and create websites andapplications for mobile phones.     If you want to learn more aboutfishing techniques, tackle, bait, artificial, wires and nodes, aswell as get tips and advice from experts, then find the otherapplications available worldwide that are part of the brand ClearFishing. We have carefully designed and structured information thatwe give you so that you have more success on your next fishingtrip.
Pesca de Carpa Lite 1.0
Esta es la versión gratuita de la aplicación“Pesca de carpa”, en la cual pueden encontrar información sobre losmontajes, cebos, nudos, anzuelos, hilos, etc.La versión completa de la aplicación “Pesca de carpa” es laaplicación más extensa dedicada a la pesca de carpa que existe enel mercado.Pesca de carpa es la guía actual más completa disponible en lastiendas de aplicaciones más importantes.Esta aplicación cubre todos los aspectos de la pesca de carpa:montaje del bajo y su aplicabilidad, nudos, modelos de anzuelos,sistemas de plomo, carnadas y cebos, canas y carretes, líneas depesca, accesorios, soportes para canas y alarmas de picada, bivvies(tiendas) y camas, tapetes y sacos de dormir, técnicas para cebar ypescar, consejos y trucos, etc.Pesca de carpa, tiene como objetivo presentar toda lainformación imprescindible para capturar la carpa con éxito. Guiadopor esta aplicación, un principiante total, será capaz de hacer sucaja de pesca, seleccionar y atar anzuelos fiables, montar bajos,elegir una carnada y cebo con acierto y tener como objetivo lacarpa. Los pescadores de cana intermedios, adquirirán nuevosconocimientos, permitiéndoles acercarse a las situaciones delterreno con más eficacia.Bajos:La gran cantidad de bajos que se presentaron en las revistas decarpa fueron reducidos por nuestros especialistas a 7 bajosfundamentales que cubren prácticamente todas las situaciones depesca de la carpa: El bajo Hair básico (simple), El bajo muneco denieve, el bajo Combi, el bajo con retroceso, el bajo Maggot, elbajo D y el bajo 360 grados. Las claras instrucciones y las fotosle ensenan cómo montar correctamente cada bajo y le dicen cómousarlo. Seguir las actualizaciones anadirá derivaciones o bajos muyespecializados.Sistemas de plomos:Esta sección le ensena cómo seleccionar y montar un sistema deplomo adecuado, viene a ser El Sistema de Plomo Clip (t.c.c. ElSistema de Plomo Semi-Fijado), El Sistema (Chod) Helicóptero o ElSistema de Plomo En-Línea. Hay muchos sistemas de plomosrecomendados en el mercado, pero la mayoría son variaciones de losnombrados anteriormente. Las actualizaciones también presentaránestas variaciones.Nudos:Los 9 tipos de nudos más importantes que se usan en la pesca decarpa: El nudo sin nudo, El nudo Clinch mejorado, El nudo Albright,El nudo Grinner, El nudo Palomar, El nudo Trilene, El nudo Uni, Elrizo Paternoster, El nudo de Sangre.Carnadas y cebos:Todos los tipos de carnadas y cebos, desde los pellets y boilieshasta partículas (semillas) y lombrices rojas se presentan condetalles de su aplicabilidad y marcas principales.Tipos de anzuelos:Los tipos de anzuelos siguientes, sus característicascorrespondientes, aplicabilidad y marcas principales estánpresentes: Vástago curvos, Vástago largo, Boca ancha, Choddy ycurvos con el vástago largo.Líneas para pescar:Fortalezas y debilidades, aplicabilidad, marcas principales y rangode precios para: líneas principales, líneas para bajos, líneastrenzadas y recubiertas, trenzas flexibles, monofilamentos,flurocarbonos, leadcores, líneas líder y otros.Canas:Se explican los tipos de canas que se usan para pescar carpa, suscaracterísticas principales (acción, fuerza y longitud), y consejossobre las marcas, rango de precios y qué tipo de cana debenusarse.Carretes:Los componentes del carrete (zona interactiva con primeros planos),característicos, marcas y rango de precios.Bivvies:Como elegir el equipamiento para la acampada, que marcas están enel mercado y cuál es el rango de precios.Técnicas para cebar y pescar:Esta es una sección útil para preparar una sesión para la carpa obuscar nuevas ideas mientras se pesca.Consejos y trucos:Se utilizó un alto grado de persuasión para extraer estos consejosde nuestros especialistas. !Síganlos para tener éxito!Pesca de Carpa de Clear fishing, fue desarrollada en Europa.Para más información por favor visite: http://clearfishing.comThis is the free versionof "carp fishing" application, which can find information aboutassemblies, baits, knots, hooks, wires, etc.The full version of the "carp fishing" application is the mostextensive application dedicated to carp fishing that exists in themarket.Carp fishing is currently the most comprehensive guide availablein stores critical applications.This application covers all aspects of carp fishing: lowmounting and its applicability, knots, hook patterns, lead systems,baits and lures, rods and reels, fishing lines, accessories, rodholders and bite alarms , Bivvies (tents) and beds, mats andsleeping bags, bait and fishing techniques, tips and tricks,etc.Carp Fishing aims to present all the necessary information tosuccessfully capture carp. Guided by this app, a total beginner,will be able to make your tackle box, select and tie reliablehooks, low-riding, bait and bait choose wisely and aim the tent.Fishermen intermediate cana, acquire new knowledge, allowing themto approach field situations more effectively.Netherlands:The large amount of lower than presented in magazines carp werereduced by our specialists to 7 essential low covering virtuallyall situations of carp fishing: The low basis Hair (simple), Lowsnowman, low Combi, with low recoil, low Maggot, the low D and low360 degrees. Clear instructions and photos show him how to properlymount each on and tell you how to use it. Follow the updates addedhighly specialized shunts or low.Systems leads:This section teaches you how to select and assemble an adequatesystem of lead, becomes Lead Clip System (aka Lead SystemSemi-Fixed) System (Chod) Helicopter or Lead System On-Line. Thereare many systems on the market recommended weights, but most arevariations of those named above. Updates will also present thesevariations.Knots:The 9 most important types of knots used in carp fishing: TheKnotless Knot, The Improved Clinch Knot, The Albright Knot, TheKnot Grinner, The Palomar knot, the knot Trilene, The Uni Knot, ThePaternoster curl, Blood knot.Baits and lures:All types of lures and baits, from pellets and boilies to particles(seeds) and red wigglers are presented with details of theirapplicability and major brands.Types of hooks:The following types of hooks, their corresponding characteristics,applicability and major brands are present: curved stem, long stem,broad, curved Choddy with long stem Boca.Fishing lines:Strengths and weaknesses, applicability, major brands and pricerange for: main lines, lines for low, braided and coated lines,flexible braided, monofilaments, fluorocarbons, leadcores, leaderlines and others.Canas:Gray hair types that are used for fishing carp, its maincharacteristics (action, power and length), and advice on brands,price range and what type of cane to be used are explained.Reels:Reel components (hotspot with close-ups), characteristics, brandsand price range.Bivvies:How to choose the equipment for camping, which brands are on themarket and what is the price range.Baiting and fishing techniques:This is useful for preparing a carp session or looking for newideas while fishing section.Tips and tricks:a high degree of persuasion was used to extract these tips from ourspecialists. ! Follow them to succeed!Clear fishing for carp fishing, was developed in Europe. Formore information please visit:
Tehnici Lansare Rapitori Lite 2.0
Aceasta este versiunea lite aaplicatieiTehnici de Lansare, prima aplicatie din lume careprezintatehnicile de lansare in pescuitul la rapitori.Poti invata:-cum sa lansezi o naluca (Aruncarea peste cap)-cum sa reglezi mulineta pentru aruncare-cu sa tii lanseta pentru aruncareAnimatii video originale (cu segmente in slow motion),desene,fotografii si texte te vor ajuta sa inveti pas cu pasAruncareapeste cap, atat cu echipamentul de spinning cat si cu celdebaitcasting.Vei mai gasi in aceasta versiune si urmatoarele informatiidespreAruncarea peste cap:-aplicabilitate-naluci si momeli folosite-monturi cu care se foloseste-echipament-avantaje-dezavantaje-sfaturi pentru incepatori-sfaturi si secreteTehnici de Lansare – Pescuit Rapitori este un produsromanesc,dezvoltat de o echipa europeana. La nivel internationalaplicatiaeste in curs de lansare in 7 limbi, sub marca ClearFishing.Din familia noastra de aplicatii s-au bucurat desuccessinternational si cele dedicate pescuitului la crap: Monturi&Noduri, Echipament, Nade & Momeli & Tehnica, PescuitCrap,Pescuit Crap Lite, disponibile si ele in mai multe limbi.
Pesca en agua dulce Lite 1.0
Esta versión Lite gratuita está diseñadaparalos pescadores principiantes y ofrece 72 articulos claros,bienestructurados y fáciles de entender.Encontrará:- una solución para primer equipo de pescador- 5 bajos fundamentales (explicados utilizando instrucciones pasoapaso e imágenes)- 3 de los nudos más utilizados en la pesca (instrucciones pasoapaso e imágenes)- cómo y dónde capturar 3 de los peces de agua dulce másconocidos(variedad, cómo encontrarlos, equipo, señuelos y cebos,etc.)- los mejores lugares de pesca en ríos y aguas estancadas.- 3 cebos con gran éxito utilizados en la pesca de agua dulce(uso,especies objetivo, ventajass, desventajas, consejos)La sección de “Técnicas” ofrece 3 artículos:- como medir la profundidad- como plomear el flotador- como lanzar por encima de la cabezaCada una de estas técnicas está explicada claramente yporintuición, utilizando fotos claras y vídeos.La sección de la Caja de pesca presenta una soluciónprácticapara organizar sus accesorios y ofrece 6 artículos sobrevariostipos de equipamentiento.En la sección “Equipo” encontrará 45 artículosclaramenteilustrados explicando la anatomía de un anzuelo, carretesy cañas,sus características y los tipos.En la sección “Consejos y trucos” presentamos 3informacionesútiles provenientes de pescadores de competición portemporadas yprincipiantes.En la versión completa de Pesca en agua dulce- ClearFishingpuede descubrir como capturar las 33 especies de pecesmásimportantes de agua dulce. Las 9 secciones de la aplicaciónofrecenmás artículos sobre las técnicas de pesca, bajos, señuelos,cebos ycarnadas, nudos, líneas, equipo, y consejos y trucos.Podrá ver que hay otras aplicaciones de pesca lanzadas bajolamarca internacional de Clear Fishing en 7 idiomas. Hemos diseñadoyorganizado la información cuidadosamente para ayudarleaexperimentar con éxito sus viajes de pesca.La aplicaciones de Clear Fishing están diseñadas por unequipocomprometido de pescadores de competición, asesores,periodistas depesca, artistas gráficos, animadores, fotógrafos,editores yprogramadores de más de seis países. Durante los últimosdiez años,hemos ofrecidos a los pescadores: revistas, guías,eventos ycompeticiones, ferias y exposiciones, páginas web,aplicacionespara móvil y más.This free Lite versionisdesigned for beginner fishermen and offers 72 clear,wellstructured and easy to understand articles.You will find:- A solution to the first team of fisherman- 5 Key low (explained using step by step instructionsandpictures)- 3 of the most commonly used fishing knots (step bystepinstructions and pictures)- How and where to catch 3 fish freshwater celebrity (range, howtofind, equipment, lures and baits, etc.)- The best fishing in rivers and backwaters.- 3 baits successfully used in freshwater fishing (use,targetspecies, ventajass, disadvantages, tips)The section "Techniques" offers 3 items:- How to measure the depth- As the float plomear- Like throwing over the headEach of these techniques is explained clearly andintuitively,using clear photos and videos.The section of the Box Fishing presents a practical solutiontoorganize your accessories and offers 6 articles on various typesofequipamentiento.In the "Computer" you will find 45 clearly illustratedarticlesexplaining the anatomy of a hook, reels and rods,characteristicsand types.In the "Tips and Tricks" section we present threeusefulinformation from seasonal competition anglers andbeginners.In the full version of Clear freshwater-Fishing Fishingcandiscover how to capture the 33 most important species offreshwaterfish. The 9 sections of the application provide morearticles onfishing techniques, bass lures, baits, lures, knots,lines,equipment, and tips and tricks.You can see that there are other fishing applicationslaunchedunder the international brand of Clear Fishing in 7languages. Wehave designed and carefully organized information tohelp youexperience successful fishing trips.Clear Fishing The applications are designed by a teamofdedicated competition anglers, consultants, journalists,fishing,graphic artists, animators, photographers, editors andprogrammersover six countries. Over the past ten years, we haveoffered tofishermen magazines, guides, events and competitions,fairs andexhibitions, websites, mobile apps and more.
Casting for Predators Lite 1.0
This is the lite version of the first everappdedicated to casting techniques for freshwater predator fishing.It contains articles on:-how to cast a lure (Overhead)-how to adjust the reel for casting-how to hold and grip the rod for castingSpecially commissioned video animations (withslow-motionsegments), drawings and diagrams, photos and texts willhelp youlearn the Overhead Cast, both for spinning andbaitcastingequipment.This app presents as well the following information onOverheadCasts:-usage-adequate lures and baits-recommended equipment-advantages-disadvantages-advices for beginners-tips & tricksCasting Techniques Lite – Predator Fishing by Clear Fishingwasdeveloped by an international team of anglers, anglingconsultantsand journalists, artists, publishers and developers. Formoreinformation please visit:
Lanzamientos Lite 1.0
Lanzamientos - Pesca del depredador LiteEsta es la versión lite de la primera aplicación dedicada alastécnicas de lanzamiento para la pesca de depredadores deaguadulce.Contiene artículos sobre:-cómo lanzar el señuelo (por encima de la cabeza)-cómo ajustar el carrete para el lanzamiento-cómo sujetar y agarrar la caña para el lanzamientoVídeo animaciones especialmente encargadas (con seccionesacámara lenta), dibujos y diagramas, fotos y textos que leayudarána aprender sobre el lanzamiento por encima de la cabeza, yambosequipos de spinning y baitcasting.Esta aplicación también muestra información sobreloslanzamientos por encima de la cabeza siguientes:-uso-señuelos adecuados y cebos-equipo recomendado-ventajas-desventajas-consejos para principiantes-consejos y trucosLanzamientos - Pesca del depredador por Clear Fishingfuedesarrollado por un equipo internacional de pescadores, asesoresdepesca y periodistas, artistas, publicistas y desarrolladores.Paramás información, por favor visite: http://clearfishing.comReleases -PredatorFishing LiteThis is the lite version of the first application dedicatedtothrowing techniques for catching freshwater predators.Contains articles on:-How to throw the lure (above the head)-How to adjust the reel to the launch-How to hold and grab the rod for launchSpecially commissioned video animations (with sections inslowmotion), drawings and diagrams, photos and text to help youlearnabout the pitch over the head, and both spinning andbaitcastingequipment.This application also displays information about thereleasesover the following heads:-UseLures and baits right-Recommended-Team-Advantages-Disadvantages-Tips for Beginners-Tips and TricksReleases - Fishing Predator Fishing by Clear was developed byaninternational team of fishermen, fishing advisers andjournalists,artists, publishers and developers. For moreinformation, pleasevisit:
Wurftechniken Lite 1.0
Dies ist die LITE-Version der erstenAppweltweit, die sich ausschließlich den WurftechnikenbeimRaubfischangeln im Süßwasser widmet. Beachten Sie bitte, dassIhnendie LITE-Variante nur einen Ausschnitt aus der Vollversionbietet.Wir zeigen Ihnen hier drei ausgewählte, komplette Artikel zudenThemen:- richtige Vorbereitung: Wie man die Rolle für denWurfeinstellt- richtige Griffe: Wie man eine Rute für den Wurf hält- den Köder richtig auswerfen: Der ÜberkopfwurfIm Kapitel zum Überkopfwurf finden Sie von unsentworfeneVideo-Animationen (die Sie auch in Zeitlupe abspielenkönnen),Zeichnungen, Fotos und begleitende Texte, mit denen Siediesen Wurferlernen können - sowohl mit einer Stationärrolle, alsauch mitBaitcaster-Ausrüstung.Dieser Artikel enthält folgende Abschnitte:- Anwendung- Empfohlene Ausrüstung- Geeignete Köder- Vorteile/ Nachteile- Ratschläge für Anfänger- Tipps und TricksIn der Vollversion finden Sie viele weitere Wurftechniken.Wurftechniken - Raubfischangeln LIGHT von Clear-Fishing wurdevoneinem internationalen Team von Anglern, BeraternundFachjournalisten, Grafikern, Herausgebern undProgrammierernentwickelt. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Siebitte http://clearfishing.comThis is the LITEversionof the first app world, devoted exclusively to thethrowingtechniques predator fishing in freshwater. Please note thatyouhave the LITE version only provides an excerpt from thefullversion.We show here three selected, complete articles onthesubject:- Proper Preparation: How to set the role for the union- Correct handles: How to keep a tail on a roll- Casting the right: The overhead throwingIn the chapter on the overhead cast can be found designed byusvideo animations (which you can also play back in slowmotion),drawings, photographs and accompanying texts with which youcanlearn this litter - both with a fixed spool reel, as well aswithBaitcaster equipment.This article contains the following sections:- Application- Recommended Equipment- Suitable bait- Advantages / Disadvantages- Advice for beginners- Tips and TricksIn the full version you can find many otherthrowingtechniques.Throwing techniques - Predator fishing LIGHT Clear-Fishinghasbeen developed by an international team of anglers, consultantsandjournalists, graphic designers, editors and programmers. Formoreinformation, please visit
Fishing Freshwater Lite 2.0
Freshwater Fishing LiteThis Lite and Free version is designed for angling novicesandoffers 72 clear, well structured and easy tounderstandarticles.You will find:- a solution for your first fishing gear- 5 capital rigs (explained using clear step-by-stepinstructionsand images)- 3 of the most used fishing knots (step-by-step instructionsandimages)- how and where to catch 3 of the most popular freshwaterfishes(range, finding them, tackle, lures and baits, etc.)- best fishing locations on rivers and still waters- 3 highly successful baits employed in freshwater fishing(usage,target species, advantages, disadvantages, tips)The “Techniques” section offers 3 articles:- how to measure the depth- how to shot a float- how to cast overheadEach of these 3 techniques is clearly and intuitivelyexplainedusing clear photos and/or videos.The Tackle Box section presents a practical solutionfororganizing your gear and offers 6 articles on various piecesofequipment.In the “Tackle” section you will find 45 clearlyillustratedarticles explaining the anatomies of a hook, reels androds, theircharacteristics and types.In the “Tips and tricks” section we present 3 useful piecesofinfo coming from seasoned competition and amateur anglers.In the full version of Freshwater Fishing – Clear Fishing youcanfind out how to catch the most important 33 freshwater fishspecies.The 9 sections of the app offers more articles onfishingtechniques, rigs, lures, baits and hookbaits, knots, lines,tackle,and tips and tricks.You can check the other fishing apps launched undertheinternational brand Clear Fishing in 7 languages. We havedesignedand structured the information carefully to help youexperiencemore successful fishing trips.Clear Fishing apps are created by a team comprised ofcompetitionanglers, consultants, angling journalists, graphicartists,animators, photographers, editors, and programmers frommore thansix countries. For the last ten years we have offeredanglersmagazines, guides, events and competitions, fairs andexhibitions,websites, mobile phone applications, and more.
Lanzamientos 2.0
Lanzamientos - Pesca del depredadorLa primera aplicación hasta ahora dedicada a las técnicasdelanzamiento para la pesca del depredador de agua dulce:-Lanzamiento por encima de la cabeza-Lanzamiento lateral-Lanzamiento circular-Pitching-Flipping-SkippingLos vídeos están especialmente animados (con seccionesdemovimientos a cámara lenta), dibujos y diagramas, fotos ytextosque le ayudarán a aprender a diferenciar las formas de lanzarunseñuelo y alcanzar los puntos de concentración donde lospecesemboscan a sus presas. Cada técnica de lanzamiento estáexplicadapara ambos equipos, el de spinning y baitcasting.Hay artículos presentes para cada técnica delanzamientomencionadas arriba:-uso-señuelos adecuados y cebos-equipo recomendado-ventajas-desventajas-consejos para principiantes-consejos y trucosLos principiantes también encontrarán instrucciones paso a pasayfotos en:-cómo enrollar los carretes de spinning y baitcasting-cómo ajustar un carrete de spinning y uno de baitcasting paraellanzamiento-cómo mantener y agarrar una caña de spinning y una debaitcastingpara el lanzamiento.-como mantener una caña de spinning y una de baitcasting durantelarecuperación y la lucha con el pezLanzamiento - Pesca del depredador por Clear Fishingfuedesarrollado por un equipo internacional de pescadores, asesoresdepesca y periodistas, artistas, publicistas y desarrolladores.Paramás información, por favor visite: http://www.clearfishing.comTambién podría estar interesado en ver nuestra gamainternacionalde aplicaciones de éxito: Pesca de Carpa, Aparejos yNudos, Cebos yAnzuelos, Equipo de Pesca.Releases -PredatorFishingThe first application to date dedicated to throwingtechniquesfor fishing for freshwater predator:-Launch above the headSide-ReleaseCircular-Release-Pitching-Flipping-SkippingVideos are especially encouraged (with sections of movementsinslow motion), drawings and diagrams, photos and text to helpyoulearn to differentiate the ways to launch a decoy and reachtheassembly points where fish ambush their prey. Each techniqueisexplained pitch for both teams, the spinning and baitcasting.There are items present for each throwing techniquementionedabove:-UseLures and baits right-Recommended-Team-Advantages-Disadvantages-Tips for Beginners-Tips and TricksBeginners will also find step-by-passes and photos:-How to wrap spinning reels and baitcasting-How to set a spinning reel and baitcasting one for launch-How to maintain and grab a spinning rod and a baitcastingforlaunch.-How to maintain a spinning rod and a baitcasting duringrecoveryand the fight with the fishRelease - Fishing Predator Fishing by Clear was developed byaninternational team of fishermen, fishing advisers andjournalists,artists, publishers and developers. For moreinformation, pleasevisit: http://www.clearfishing.comYou may also be interested to see our international rangeofsuccessful applications: Carp Fishing, Tackle and Knots, BaitsandTackle, Fishing Gear.
Pescuit Sportiv Lite 1.0
Aceasta este versiunea gratuită aaplicației“Pescuit Sportiv”, in care pescarii aflati la inceput dedrumgasesc 72 de articole clare, foarte precis structurate si usordeinteles.Află:- ce presupune un prim echipament de pescuit- 5 monturi importante (explicate pas-cu-pas in imaginisitexte)- 3 noduri folosite frecvent (instructiuni pas-cu-pas)- cum si unde se prind 3 dintre cele mai populare specii de pestideapa dulce (areal, zonele in care pot fi pescuiti,echipamentulnecesar, nalucile si/sau momelile eficiente)- cele mai bune locuri de pescuit in apele statoaresicurgatoare- 3 momeli de succes in pescuitul pe apa dulce(aplicabilitate,specii vizate, avantaje, dezavantaje, sfaturi sisecrete pentrufiecare momeala în parte)In categoria “Tehnici de pescuit” sunt prezentate 3dintretehnicile de masurare, lestare si aruncare corecta indiferitediscipline de pescuit. Tehnicile sunt explicate intr-un modclar șiintuitiv și sunt insotide de foto si/sau videoexplicite.“Trusa de pescuit” este reprezentata grafic intr-un modfoarteprietenos, contine 6 articole prezentate integral, sireprezintapractic o sugestie vizavi de varianta de organizare aaccesoriilorde pescuit in trusa ta.In categoria “Echipament” gasesti 45 de articole cuilustratiiclare, care explica anatomia carligului, a lansetei simulinetei,caracteristicile si tipurile fiecareia. De asemenea, aicigasestisolutii clare pentru primul echipament de pescuit.În zona “Sfaturi si secrete” ai 3 informatii importantepentrusuccesul unei partide de pescuit, recomandari venite de lapescaricu experienta in competitii, dar si in partide deplacere.In versiunea completă a aplicatiei Pescuit Sportiv poti aflacumpoti captura cele mai importante 30 de specii de pesti deapadulce,iar cele 9 capitole contin informatii mai ampledespretehnici de pescuit, monturi, momeli, nade, fire, noduri si ozonafoarte consistenta in sfaturi si secrete.Te invitam sa descoperi si celelalte aplicatiilansateinternational sub marca Clear Fishing. Am conceput sistructuratinformatiile cu grija, pentru ca tu sa ai mai mult succesinviitoarele partide de pescuit.Clear Fishing este marca internationala a Picnic Media.Picnic Media este operatorul revistei de pescuit nr.1 dinRomania– Aventuri la pescuit/ Pescuit pur si simplu, al celui maimare targde pescuit din tara Expo Aventuri la pescuit sivanatoare/ ExpoPescuit pur si simplu, al unei serii de 21 deghiduri de pescuit desucces national, al siturilor is the freeversionof the application "Sport Fishing" in which fishermen atthebeginning of the road found 72 articles clearly, verypreciselystructured and easy to understand. Find out:- Implies a first fishing equipment- 5 important frames (explained step-by-step picturesandtext)- 3 knots commonly used (step-by-step instructions)- How and where to catch three of the most popular speciesoffreshwater fish (area, areas that can be fishednecessaryequipment, baits and / or lures effective)- The best fishing spots in the state and flowing waters- Three successful bait fishing in freshwater (applicability,targetspecies, advantages, disadvantages, tips and secrets foreach baitin hand)In category "Fishing Techniques" contains 3 of themeasurementtechniques and the correct ballast and throw differentfishingdisciplines. The techniques are explained in a clear andintuitiveand are insotide photo and / or video explicit."Fishing kit" is plotted in a very friendly, contains sixarticlespresented in full, and is basically a variant oppositesuggestionof organizing fishing accessories in your kit.In category "Equipment" find 45 articles with clearillustrationsthat explain the anatomy of the hook, the rod andreel, andcharacteristics of each type. Also here you can findclearsolutions to the first fishing equipment.In the "Tips and Tricks" of three important information forasuccessful fishing trip, recommendations coming fromexperiencedfishermen in competitions, but in parties ofpleasure.In the full version of the application Angling can find outhowcapture the most important 30 species of freshwater fish and the9chapters contain extensive information about fishingtechniques,rigs, baits, lures, wire knots and a very consistency intips andsecrets.We invite you to discover the other applications launchedbyClear Fishing. We designed and structured information carefullysothat you have more success in the future fishing trips.Clear Fishing is worldwide brand of Picnic Media.Picnic Media is fishing magazine No.1 operator in Romania-Adventures Fishing / Fishing simply the largest trade fairExpocountry fishing adventures fishing and hunting / FishingExposimply of a series of 21 successful fishing guides www.aventuri of sites.
Karpfen Angeln Lite 2.0
Achtung! KARPFEN ANGELN ist kein Spiel,sonderneine App für Angler.Dies ist die Lite-Version der international erfolgreichenAppKARPFEN ANGELN von CLEAR FISHING. Darin finden Sie 34Musterartikelzu Rigs und Montagen, Knoten, Haken, Schnüren, Ködernusw.Als Vollversion ist KARPFEN ANGELN in sieben Sprachen und 52Ländernerschienen. Sie ist aktuell die umfassendste App zumKarpfenangeln,die Sie in allen bedeutenden App-Stores erwerbenkönnen.Die Vollversion ist ein Komplettpaket: sowohl HandbuchmitAnleitungen für Montagen und Knoten, als auch ein RatgeberfürGerät, Zubehör und Ausrüstung. Dies ist die weltweit erste App,diesich ausschließlich und umfassend dem Karpfenangeln widmet.In neun Haupt- und vielen Unterkategorien erhaltenSieausführliche Anweisungen für Montagen & Rigs, Knoten,dierichtige Wahl von Haken und Bleien, von Ködern und Lockfutter,Rute& Rolle, Schnüren, Zubehör wie Bissanzeiger,Rutenhalter,Campingausrüstung, Landungshilfen und Kleinteilen vonAgraffe bisTail-Rubber. Auch eine kleine Karpfenkunde istdabei.Anfänger können mithilfe der verständlich formuliertenApp:Grundkenntnisse erwerben, sich Ihre ersteAusrüstungzusammenstellen, selbstständig Montagen herstellen undlernen, dierichtige Wahl bei Ködern und Futter zu treffen.Fortgeschrittene können sich zu neuen Techniken inspirierenlassenund unsere Anleitungen als Gedächtnishilfe am Angelplatzbenutzen,wo sie schnell einen Knoten oder ein Rig nachschlagenkönnen.Profis sind eingeladen, Ihre ausgefeilten Montagen mit unserenzuvergleichen und uns daran zu messen.Hier eine Vorschau:• MONTAGEN UND RIGS:Enthält Schritt-für-Schritt-Anweisungen für die Herstellungderwichtigsten Rigs, verständlich und mit deutlichenFotosillustriert. Von der einfachen Haarmontage überSnowman-,Blowback-, D-Rig, 360°-Rig bis zu Helikopter-,Inline-Montagen u.a.erhalten Sie hier eine beträchtliche Anzahl derwichtigstenAnleitungen, um für alle Eventualitäten gewappnet zusein. Extra:Anleitung zum Leadcore-Spleißen.• KNOTEN:Lernen Sie Schritt für Schritt die wichtigsten 9 Knoten zubinden,die beim Karpfenangeln unverzichtbar sind. Benutzen Sie danndiebebilderten Anleitungen als schnelle Gedächtnisstütze anderAngelstelle. Darunter sind der Clinch-Knoten, NoKnot,Albright-Knoten u.a.• KÖDER UND LOCKFUTTER:Erfahren Sie, wie und wann die wichtigsten Ködereingesetztwerden.• AUSRÜSTUNG UND ZUBEHÖR enthält Infos u.a. zu:- Schnüren und Vorfachmaterial: Ob (un-/) beschichteteGeflechte,Monofile, Fluorocarbon, Leadcore, Schlagschnüre, hiersteht alles,was man wissen muss, um die richtige Schnur zuwählen.- Bleien: die wichtigsten Karpfenbleie von Flachbleien bisGrippaund ihre Einsatzgebiete.- Rig-Zubehör: In 15 Unterkategorien sind alle wichtigenBausteineenthalten.- Camping: Finden Sie heraus, worauf man beim Kauf vonZelten,Karpfenliegen und Schlafsäcken achten muss.• RUTE & ROLLESie werden Sie die wichtigsten Rutentypen kennenlernen und mitdenBegriffen Aktion und Power endlich was anfangenkönnen;Karpfenrollen und ihre Komponenten einleuchtenderklärtbekommen.• BONUS: TIPPS UND TRICKSHier verraten unsere Redakteure (nur ungern) große undkleineGeheimnisse, die zum Fang führen.KARPFEN ANGELN ist eine international erfolgreiche App, dieineuropäischer Kooperation von Redakteuren inAngelzeitschriftenentwickelt wurde. Die Verfasser sind selbsterfahrene underfolgreiche Karpfenangler, alle Ratschläge und Tippssinderprobt.CLEAR FISHING ist der internationale Herausgeber von KARPFENANGELN.Wir haben auch weitere Anwendungen zum Angeln im Angebotundarbeiten ständig an neuen Versionen und Apps aus diesemBereich.Mit einem Feedback können Sie uns helfen, noch besser• Nach dem Download sind alle Inhalte offline verfügbar.Siebrauchen keine Internetverbindung.Watch out! CARP FISHINGisnot a game but an app for anglers.This is the lite version of the internationally successful appCARPFISHING FISHING CLEAR. There you will find 34 sample articlesonrigs and mountings, knots, hooks, strings, baits, etc.As full version CARP FISHING is published in seven languages​​and52 countries. It is currently the most comprehensive app forcarpfishing that you can buy in all the major app stores.The full version is a complete package: both manualwithinstructions for assembly and nodes, as well as a guideforequipment, supplies and equipment. This is the first appthatexclusively and fully dedicated to carp fishing.In nine major and many subcategories you will receivedetailedinstructions for assembly & Rigs, knots, the rightchoice ofhooks and sinkers, lures and baits, rod & reel,cords,accessories such as bite alarms, rod holders, camping gear,landingaids and small parts of clasp to tail Rubber. Even a smallcarpcustomer is.Beginners can use the app comprehensible manner: acquirebasicknowledge, put together your first gear, independentlyproducedmontages and learn to make the right choice in baitsandfeed.Advanced can be inspired to new techniques and use our patterns asareminder on fishing spot, where they can look up a node or arigquickly.Professionals are invited to compare your sophisticatedmontageswith ours and judge us.Here's a preview:• MONDAYS AND RIGS:Provides step-by-step instructions for making the mainrigs,understandable and clear photos illustrated. From simplehairmounting on Snowman, Blowback, D-Rig, Rig up to 360 °helicopter,inline assembly, inter alia, obtain here a considerablenumber ofthe most important instructions to be prepared foralleventualities. Extra: How to Lead Core splicing.• NODE:Learn step by step to bind the main 9 knots, which areindispensablefor carp fishing. Then use the illustratedinstructions, as a quickreminder to the fishing spot. Among theclinch knot, no knot,Albright knot include• BAIT AND baits:Learn how and when the main bait used.• EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES contains, inter alia,informationto:- Cords and Tippet: whether (un /) coated braid,monofilament,fluorocarbon, leadcore, shock cords, everything hereis what youneed to know to choose the right cord.- Bleien: the main Carp Leads of flat sinkers up to Grippa andtheirapplications.- Rig Accessories: In 15 subcategories all important buildingblocksare included.- Camping: Find out what to look for when buying tents, carpchairsand sleeping bags.• ROD & REELThey will get to know the main types of rods and finally be abletostart something with the concepts of action and power; CarpReelsand its components evident declared get.• BONUS: TIPS AND TRICKSHere betray our Editors (reluctant) large and small secretsthatlead to the catcher.CARP FISHING is an internationally successful app, whichwasdeveloped in European co-operation of editors in fishingmagazines.The authors are experienced and successful carp anglers,all theadvice and tips are tested.CLEAR FISHING is the international editor of CARP FISHING. Wealsohave other applications for fishing on offer and areconstantlyworking on new versions and apps from this area.With feedback you can help us to become• After downloading all the contents available offline. You donotneed internet connection.
Carp Fishing Lite 2.0
This is the Lite version of theinternationally successful Carp Fishing by Clear Fishing. Here weoffer you 34 articles on: rigs, knots, baits, hooks, lines, endtackle etc.The complete version of Carp Fishing by Clear fishing is sold in 7languages and 52 countries, and is the most comprehensive carpfishing guide currently available in the major app stores.The app covers all important aspects of carp fishing: rigconstruction and applicability, knots, hook patterns, lead systems,baits and hookbaits, rods and reels, fishing lines, accessories,rod pods and bite alarms, bivvies (tents) and beds, mats and sacks,baiting and fishing techniques, tips and tricks etc.Carp Fishing aims to present all essential information in orderto successfully capture capital carp. Guided by this app, anabsolute beginner will be able to build up a tackle box, select andtie reliable hooks, construct rigs, choose an inspired bait andhookbait and target the capital carp.Intermediate anglers will gain new insights allowing them toapproach field situations more efficiently. Carp Fishing wasdeveloped by European carping experts, journalists andprogrammers.Rigs :The large number of rigs presented by carping magazines weretrimmed down by our specialists to 10 essential rigs thatpractically cover all carp fishing situations: The Basic (Simple)Hair Rig, The Snowman Rig, The Combi Rig, The Blowback Rig, TheMaggotRig, The D Rig, The 360 Degree Rig, Chod Rig, Zig Rig and KDRig. Clear instructions and photos show you how to correctlyconstruct each rig and tell you how to use it. Following updateswill add derivative or highly specialized rigs.Lead Systems:This section teaches you how to select and construct theappropriate lead system, be it The Lead Clip System (a.k.a. TheSemi-fixed Lead System, The Safety Clip System), The Helicopter(Chod) System or The In-line Lead System. There are many leadsystems advocated on the market, but most of them are variations tothe ones named above. Updates will present these variations aswell.Knots:The main 9 types of knots used in carp fishing: The Knotless Knot,The Improved Clinch Knot, The Albright Knot, The Grinner Knot, ThePalomar Knot, The Trilene Knot, The Uni Knot, The Dropper Knot andThe Blood Knot.Baits and Hookbaits:All major types of baits and hookbaits, from pellets and boilies toparticles (seeds) and bloodworms are presented with the details ofapplicability and the main brands.Hook Patterns:The following hook patterns, their corresponding characteristics,applicability and major brands are presented: Curve Shank, LongShank, Wide Gap, Choddy and Curve Long Shank.Fishing Lines:Strengths and weaknesses, applicability, major brands and pricerange for: Main Lines, Rig Lines, Braided Coated Lines, SoftBraids, Monofilaments, Fluorocarbons, Leadcores, Leader Lines andothers.Leads:Information and applicability of: Grippa Leads, In-line DistanceLeads, Pendant Distance Leads etc.Rods:Types of rods used in carp fishing, their main characteristics(action, power and length) explained, and advice on brands, pricerange and which type of rod should you choose.Reels:Reel components (hot spots with photo close-ups), characteristics,brands and price range.AccessoriesAccessories used in carp rigging: Swivels and Rig Rings, Clips,Stick Needle and Bait Stoppers, PVA, Tungsten Putty, Rig Walletetc.Bivvies, Beds and Sleeping Bags:How to choose your camping equipment, what brands are on the marketand which is the price range.Baiting and Fishing Techniques:This is a section useful for preparing a carp session or lookingfor new ideas while fishing.Tips and TricksA high degree of persuasion was employed to extract these advicesfrom our specialists. Follow them to succeed!Carp Fishing by Clear Fishing was developed in Europe. For moreinformation please visit:
Pescuit Crap Lite 1.0
Aceasta este versiunea gratuită aaplicației“Pescuit crap” in care puteti gasi 34 de articole despremonturi,nade, noduri, carlige, momeli, nade, fire, etc.Versiunea completă a "Pescuit Crap" este prima aplicatieromaneascasi totdodata cea mai cuprinzatoare aplicatie din lumededicataexclusiv pescuitului la crap."Pescuit Crap" acopera toate aspectele importante ale acestuitipde pescuit: realizarea si folosirea monturilor, noduri,alegereacarligelor si a montajelor de plumb, momeli si nade,lansete,mulinete, fire principale sau pentru forfac, agrafe sianouri,suporti si avertizori, componenta trusei, corturi sipaturi, saltelede receptie, tehnici de nadire, tehnici de pescuit,sfaturi sisecrete etc.Avand aceasta aplicatie in mana orice novice isi poateconstituisingur trusa, poate lega carligele si realiza monturile,poatealege singur nada si momeala. Pescarii mai avansati isi vorextindearsenalul de cunostinte pentru a putea aborda maieficacesituatiile din teren. Specialistii in pescuitul la crapauscris-o.Monturi :Numarul mare de monturi pentru pescuitul crapului promovatderevistele de specialitate a fost redus de specilistii nostri la10monturi esentiale care acopera practic toate situatiile depescuit:montura simpla fir de par, montura snowman fir combi,monturacombi, montura blow-back, montura sir/inel de viermusi,montura D,montura 360, montura Zig, montura Chod și montura KD.Noduri:Principalele 9 tipuri de noduri folosite in pescuiul lacrap:nodul fara nod, nodul clinch imbunatatit, nodul Albrightetc.Nade si momeli :Toate tipurile principale de nade si momeli de la peletesiboiliesuri la seminte si larve de chironomide aplicabilitatealorsi principalii producatori.Carlige :Prezentarea principalelor tipuri de carlige pentru crap :curveshank, long shank, wide gape, choddy si curve long shankavandcaracteristicile, aplicabilitatea si principaliiproducatori.Fire :Firele de forfac, fire camasa, fire textilesuple,monofilamentul, fluorocarbonul, leadcore-ul, firele deinaintassunt descrise avantajele si dezavantajele fiecaruia, undeesteindicata folosirea lor, producatorii principali sipreturilelor.Plumbi :Plumbii Grippa, plumbii de distanta vartej, plumbii dedistantain-line etc sint prezentati avand caracteristicile,avantajele,dezavantajele si aplicabilitatea lor.Lanseta :Tipurile de lansete folosite in pescuitul la crap,actiunea,puterea si lungimea, utilizarea lor, principaliiproducatori sipreturile sint prezentate in aceasta sectiune.Mulineta :Principalele componente ale mulinetei de crap, ilustrateavanddetalii fotografice si o sectiune desprecaracteristicilemulinetei, preturi si producatori.Accesorii monturi :De la agrafe si anouri, clipsuri, crosete si opritoaredemomeala, materiale solubile (PVA) si pasta de plumb pina lapenarsi foarfeca, va prezentam toate accesoriile folosite inrealizareasi pastrarea monturilor.Corturi, paturi si saci de dormit :Ce trebuie sa stim cand le cumparam, care suntprincipaliiproducatori si intervalul de preturi.Tehnici de pescuit si de nadire :O sectiune foarte utila pe balta si in etapa de pregatireapartidei de pescuit.Sfaturi si secrete :A fost nevoie de multe insistente (si amenintari :)) pentruascoate de la specialistii nostri sfaturile cele maifolositoarepescarilor obisnuiti. Urmati-le si veti avea succes!Aplicatia este un produs romanesc lansat si internationalsubmarca Clear Fishing in limbile germana si engleza.Despre Aventuri la pescuit, brandul media numarul 1 inpescuitulsportiv din Romania, puteti afla mai multevizitindwww.aventurilapescuit.roThis is the freeversionof the app "Carp Fishing" where you can find 34 articlesaboutmountings, bait, knots, hooks, baits, lures, wires, etc. The full version of "Carp Fishing" is the first Romanianapplicationand In the same period the most comprehensive app inthe worlddedicated exclusively carp fishing."Carp Fishing" covers all the important aspects of this typeoffishing: the realization and use mounts, components,assemblieschoice and lead hooks, bait and lures, rods, reels, mainwires orforfac, pins and Rig Rings, supports and whistleblowerscomponentkit, tents and blankets, mattresses reception baitingtechniques,fishing techniques, tips and secrets etc.With this app in hand any novice may establish one kit,linkhooks and perform mounts can choose one lure and bait.Fishermenmost advanced arsenal expand their knowledge moreeffectively toaddress situations in the field. Carp fishingspecialists havewritten.Mounts:The large number of frames for carp fishing magazines promotedbythose skilled was reduced to 10 frames our essential thatcoversvirtually all fishing situations: simply mount hair, snowmanthreadmount combi, combi rig, rig blow-back mount string / ringviermusi,D mount, mount 360, Zig rig, Chod mount and mount KD.Knots:The main 9 types of knots used in carp fishing: nodewithoutnode, improved clinch knot, Albright knot etc.Baits and lures:All major types of baits and lures from pellets and boiliestoseeds and bloodworms applicability and the main brands.Hooks:Presentation of the main types of hooks for carp: whoresshank,long shank, wide gape, long shank with choddy andcurvecharacteristics, applicability and main manufacturers.Fire:Forfac threads, yarn shirt, supple yarn,monofilament,fluorocarbon leadcore the wires ancestor described theadvantagesand disadvantages of each, where their use is indicated,the mainproducers and their prices.Lead:Plumbii Grippa plumbii vortex distance, distance plumbii etcareshown in-line with the characteristics, advantages,disadvantagesand applicability.Rods:Types of rods used in carp fishing, action, strength andlength,their use, leading manufacturers and prices are presented inthissection.Reel:The main components of carp reel, with photo and reel featuresasection on prices and producers.Accessories therefor:Swivels and Rig Rings, Clips, Stick Needle and BaitStoppers,soluble materials (PVA) and paste the lead up to pen andscissors,present all the accessories used in making and keepingmounts.Tents, blankets and sleeping bags:What to know when buying them, which are the mainmanufacturersand price range.Fishing and baiting techniques:A pool section useful in the preparation stage of thefishingtrip.Tips and Secrets:It took more insistent (and threats :)) to remove fromourspecialists fishermen used the most useful advice. Follow themandyou will be successful!The application is a Romanian product launched by ClearFishingin German and English.About Adventures fishing, number 1 media brand in sportfishingin Romania, you can learn more
Карповая ловля Lite 1.0
ОписаниеДанное приложение является бесплатной версией приложения «Карповаяловля» и содержит 34 статьи о снастях, прикормках, наживках,лесках, узлах и т.д.Полная версия «Карповой ловли» является первым румынскимприложением и, в то же время, самым содержательным в мире,посвященным исключительно ловле карпа.«Карповая ловля» охватывает все важные аспекты ловли карпа:изготовление и использование снастей, узлы, выбор крючков исвинцовых грузил, наживки и прикормки, удилища, катушки, основнаялеска или поводок, застежки и кольца, подставки и сигнализаторы,содержание набора, палатки и постели, карповые маты, техникаприкормки, техника ловли, советы и секреты и т.д.Имея в арсенале данное приложение, любой новичок сможетсамостоятельно собрать нужный набор, завязать крючки и сделатьснасти, сможет сам выбрать наживку и прикормку. Более опытныерыбаки смогут расширить арсенал своих познаний, чтобы попробоватьболее эффективные методы. Это приложение составляли специалисты половле карпа.Оснастка:Огромное количество оснасток для карповой ловли, предлагаемыхспециализированными журналами, было сокращено нашими специалистамидо 10 основных видов, которые подходят практически для всехситуаций на рыбалке: простая волосяная оснастка, оснастка«снеговик» с коминированной леской, комбинированная оснастка,оснастка blow-back, оснастка с кольцом для опарышей, оснастка D,оснастка 360, оснастка Zig, оснастка Chod и оснастка KD.Узлы:9 основных видов узлов, используемых в рыбалке на карпа: узел безузла, усовершенствованный узел Клинч, узел Олбрайт и т.д.Приманки и наживки:Все основные виды приманок и наживок от пелетсов и бойлов дозерновых прикормок и мотыля, их применение и основныепроизводители.Крючки:Описание основных видов крючков для ловли карпа: curve shank, longshank, wide gape, choddy и curve long shank, а также иххарактеристики, способы применения и основные производители.Лески:Материалы для поводков, шнуры с оболочкой, мягкие плетеные шнуры,монофильная леска, флуорокарбон, лидкор, шок-лидер, описаниепреимуществ и недостатков каждого, а также рассказывается о том,как их применять, об основных производителях и ценах.Грузила:Грузила Grippa, грузила с вертлюжком, грузила in-line (скользящие)и т.д., здесь представлены их характеристики, преимущества,недостатки и применение.Удилище:Виды удилищ для карповой ловли, строй, мощность и длина,использование, основные производители и цены представлены в этомразделе.Катушка:Основные компоненты катушки для ловли карпа, детальные изображения,целый раздел посвящен описанию характеристик катушки, цены ипроизводителей.Дополнительная оснастка:От застежек и колец, клипс, игл и стопоров насадок, растворимыхматериалов (ПВА) и свинцовой пасты, до коробок и ножниц,представляем на Ваше обозрение все аксессуары, используемые дляизготовления и хранения оснастки.Палатки, постели и спальные мешки:Что мы должны знать, когда покупаем их, кто является основнымипроизводителями и какова разница в цене.Техника рыбной ловли и способы прикармливания:Очень полезный раздел для подготовлению к рыбалке и выбора места наводоёме.Советы и секреты:Потребовалась вся наша настойчивость (и даже угрозы :)) чтобывыудить у наших специалистов самые полезные советы для простыхрыболовов. Следуйте им, и Вас ждет успех!Приложение является продуктом румынского происхождения, выпускаемыйна мировом рынке под маркой Clear Fishing на немецком, французком ианглийском языках.Более подробную информацию о бренде Clear Fishing можете узнать насайте http://www.clearfishing.comDescriptionThis application is a free version of the app "Carp Fishing" andcontains 34 articles about gear, bait, bait, fishing line, nodes,etc.Full version of "carp fishing" is the first Romanian applicationand, at the same time, the most meaningful in the world dedicatedexclusively to fishing for carp."Carp Fishing" covers all the important aspects of carp: theproduction and use of gear units, the choice of lead sinkers andhooks, bait, bait, rods, reels, fishing line or main leash claspsand rings, coasters and signaling, maintenance kit, tents and bed,carp mats, equipment bait fishing technique, tips, secrets,etc.With this application in the arsenal of any novice canself-assemble the right set, fasten hooks and make the tackle, hecan choose the bait and bait. More experienced fishermen can expandtheir arsenal of knowledge to try more effective methods. Thisapplication specialists were carp.Attachments:A huge number of rigs for carp fishing offered specializedmagazines, has been reduced by our experts to 10 major species thatare suitable for almost all fishing situations: the hair simplesnap, snap "snowman" with kominirovannoy scaffold, combinedrigging, rigging blow-back, snap with a ring for maggotsaccessories D, tooling 360 snap Zig, accessories and equipment ChodKD.Nodes:9 basic types of knots used in fishing for carp: node without nodeevolved Node Clinch knot Albright, etc.Lures and bait:All major types of baits and lures and baits from peletsov tocereal baits and crank of their application and the mainproducers.Hooks:Description of the main types of hooks for carp: curve shank, longshank, wide gape, choddy and curve long shank, as well as theircharacteristics and applications of the major manufacturers.Twine:Materials for leashes, cords with a shell, soft braided cord,monofilament fishing line fluorokarbon, lidkor, shock leader, aboutthe advantages and disadvantages of each, and describes how toapply them on the main producers and prices.Weights:Sinkers Grippa, with swivel sinkers, sinkers in-line (Moving),etc., here represented by their characteristics, advantages,disadvantages and applications.Rod:Types of rods for carp fishing, construction, power and length,use, major manufacturers and prices listed in this section.Coil:The main components of the coil for carp, detailed images, thewhole section is devoted to describe the characteristics of thecoil, prices and manufacturers.Additional accessories:Of fasteners, rings, clips, needles and nozzles stoppers, solublematerials (PVA) and lead paste, to boxes and scissors, present toyour review all the accessories used for the manufacture andstorage of equipment.Tents, sleeping bags and bed:What we need to know when buying them, who are the main producersand what is the difference in price.Tech fishing and feeding methods:Very useful section for preparedness and choice of fishing on thepond.Tips and Tricks:It took all our persistence (and even threats :)) to extract fromour experts the most useful tips for simple fishermen. Follow themand you will succeed!The application is a product of Romanian origin, sold on the worldmarket under the brand name Clear Fishing in German, French andEnglish.More information about the brand Clear Fishing can learn online
Solunar Pescuit-Clear Fishing 1.0.11
Afla care sunt cele mai potriviteperioadepentru partidele de pescuit, pe baza teoriei Solunare.Gratuita si cu o interfata simpla si prietenoasa, SolunarClearFishing te ajuta sa:- descoperi care sunt cele mai bune perioade de hranirealepestilor intr-o luna, dintr-o singura privire- afli detaliile fiecarei zile, pentru orice loc, printr-unsingurclick (cele mai bune ore pentru pescuit, rasaritul siapusulsoarelui, fazele lunii)- stii prognoza vremii pe doua saptamani inainte in oricelocatiealeasa de tine- identifici noi locuri de pescuit, prin cautare direct pe hartasaudupa nume (integrare Google Maps)- salvezi locatiile preferate, pentru a le gasi mai usorpeviitorNu trebuie sa interpretezi grafice complicate si nici saintelegiastrofizica pentru a folosi rezultatele acestei aplicatii.Totuleste prezentat intuitiv si clar.Fie ca pescuiesti la crap, la stationar, la rapitor sau lamusca,maximizeaza-ti sansele pentru o partida reusita cu SolunarClearFishing. Organizeaza-ti inteligent partidele la pescuit!Clear Fishing este un dezvoltator european specializatinaplicatii mobile dedicate pescuitului sportiv in ape dulci.Echipanoastra este formata din pescari de competitie,consultanti,jurnalisti de pescuit, artisti grafici, animatori,fotografi,editori si programatori din peste 6 tari. De peste 10ani, oferimcu pasiune pescarilor: reviste, ghiduri, evenimente sicompetitii,targuri si expozitii, situri web, aplicatii mobileetc.Daca vrei sa afli mai multe informatii despre tehniciledepescuit, monturi, momeli, nade, fire, noduri, sfaturi sisecrete,descopera si celelalte aplicatii lansate international submarcaClear Fishing. Am conceput si structurat informatiile cugrija,pentru ca tu sa ai mai mult succes in viitoarele partidedepescuit.Find out which arethebest times for fishing trips on the theory Solunars.     Free with a simple andfriendlyinterface, Clear Fishing Solunar help you:- Discover which are the best times of feeding the fish inamonth, in a single glance- Find out the details of each day, any place, in a singleclick(the best hours for fishing, sunrise and sunset, moonphases)- Know the weather forecast two weeks before in any location ofyourchoice- Identify new fishing spots by searching directly on the map orbyname (integrating Google Maps)- Save favorite locations to find them easily in the future     No need to interpretcomplicatedgraphs nor understand astrophysics to use the results ofthisapplication. Everything is intuitive and clearly presented.     Whether you are fishingcarpstationary predator or bite, maximizing your chances forasuccessful match with Clear Solunar Fishing. Organize yoursmartfishing parties!     Clear Fishing is aEuropeandeveloper specializing in mobile applications dedicated tosportfishing in freshwater. Our team of anglers competing,consultants,journalists, fishing, graphic artists, animators,photographers,editors and programmers from over 6 countries. Forover 10 years,we offer passionate fishermen: magazines, guides,events andcompetitions, fairs and exhibitions, websites, mobileapplicationsetc..     If you want to knowmoreinformation about fishing techniques, rigs, lures, baits,yarn,knots, tips and secrets, discovers and other applicationslaunchedby Clear Fishing. We designed and structured informationcarefullyso that you have more success in the future fishingtrips.
Pêche Carpe Lite 2.0
Voici la version Lite de l’applicationausuccès international « Pêche Carpe » par Clear Fishing.Voustrouverez dans cette version pas moins de 34 articles sur :lesmontages, les nœuds, les appâts, les hameçons, leslignes,etc.La version complète de Pêche Carpe est vendue dans 52 pays etestdisponible en 7 langues. C’est le guide de pêche à la carpe lepluscompréhensible disponible sur la plupart des app stores.Cette application couvre de nombreux aspects de la pêche àlacarpe: la construction et les applications des montages,lesnoeuds, les types d’hameçons, les système de plombs, lesappâts,les cannes et les moulinets, les fils, les accessoires, lesrodpods et les détecteurs detouche, les tentes et les bedchairs, les tapis de réception etlessacs de pesée, les techniques d’amorçage, les trucs etastucesetc.Pêche Carpe a pour but de vous fournir toutes lesinformationsnécessaires afin de capturer un maximum de carpes.Guidé par cetteapplication, un pêcheur débutant pourra se créer uneboîte depêche, sélectionner et nouer les bas de ligne adaptés,construiredes montages, choisir le bon amorçage et la bonne eschepour ciblerles carpes.Les pêcheurs intermédiaires pourront apprendre denouvelleschoses leur permettant d’approcher certaines situations depêchesplus efficacement. Pêche Carpe fut développée par descarpistesexperts européens, des journalistes et desprogrammeurs.Les montages :Le nombre impressionnant de montages qu'il est possible detrouverdans les différents magazines de pêche à la carpe fut résuméen 10montages essentiels par nos spécialistes. Ils couvrentpratiquementtoutes les situations de pêche qu'on peut rencontrer:le montage aucheveu classique, le montage bonhomme de neige, leBlowback Rig, leMaggot Rig, le D-Rig, le montage 360, le Chod Rig,le Zig Rig, leKD Rig,Montage longue distance au flotteur, etc. Desinstructionsclaires et illustrées vous montrent comment construirecorrectementchacun de ces montages et comment les utiliser. Deprochaines misesà jour rajouteront certains cas particuliers ouencore des montagesplus spécifiques.Les systèmes de plombs:Cette section vous apprend comment sélectionner et construirelesystème de plomb adapté, que ce soit le clip plomb (aussiappeléSafety Clip), le montage hélicoptère (Chod Rig) ou encorelemontage In-line. Il y a de nombreux types de systèmes de plombssurle marché, mais la plupart d’entre eux sont des variantesdesmontages cités ci-dessus. Les mises à jour vousprésenterontcertaines de ces variations.Les noeuds:Les 9 noeuds principalement utilisés pour la pêche à la carpe:Lenoeud sans noeud, Le noeud cuillère, Le noeud Albright, LenoeudGrinner, Le noeud Palomar, Le noeud de Trilène, Le nœud duPendu,le nœud de boucle Dropper et le nœud Baril.Les appâts:La majeure partie des appâts, des pellets aux bouillettes etdesparticules (graines) aux vers de vase est présentée avecdenombreux détails sur les utilisations et lesdifférentesmarquesconnues.Les cannes:Les types de cannes utilisées pour la pêche à la carpe,leursprincipales caractéristiques (action, puissance etlongueur)expliquées, mais également des conseils sur lesfabricants, lesgammes de prix et quelle type de canne choisir.Les moulinets:Les composants du moulinet (avec des photos de chaque partie),lescaractéristiques, les fabricants et les gammes de prix.L’amorçage et les techniques de pêche:Cette section est très utile pour préparer une session de pêcheoupour avoir de nouvelles idées d’approches pour pêcher.Trucs et astuces:Un très grand degré de persuasion a été utilisé pour soutirercesquelques conseils de nos spécialistes. Suivez-les pourréussir!Pêche Carpe par Clear Fishing a été développé en Europe.Pourplus d’informations visitez: www.clearfishing.comHere is the Liteversionof the application to the international hit "Carp Fishing»Fishingin Clear. In this version you will find no less than 34articleson: the mountains, knots, bait, hooks, lines, etc..The full version of Carp Fishing is sold in 52 countries andisavailable in 7 languages. This is the fishing guide to themostunderstandable carp available on most app stores.This application covers many aspects of carpfishing:construction and applications, knots, types of hooks, leadsystems,bait, rods and reels, son, accessories, rod pods andsensorskey, tents and bedchairs, landing mats and bags weighingboottechniques, tips and tricks etc..Carp Fishing aims to provide you with all thenecessaryinformation in order to capture maximum for carp. Guidedby thisapplication, a beginner will be able to create a fishingbox,select and tie the bottom line adapted, building fixtures,choosethe right seed and the right bait to target carp.Intermediate anglers can learn new things for them toapproachsituations more effectively. Carp Fishing was developed byEuropeancarping experts, journalists and programmers.Fixtures:The impressive number of fixtures that can be found invariousmagazines carp fishing was summarized in 10 key assembliesby ourspecialists. They cover almost all fishing situations thatmay beencountered: mounting the classic hair, the man mountingsnow,Blowback Rig, The Maggot Rig, D-Rig, assembly 360, the ChodRig,Zig Rig , KD Rig, long distance mount float, etc..Clear,illustrated instructions show you how to properly constructeach ofthese fixtures and how to use them. In future updatesrajouterontspecific or more specific montages case.Systems of weights:This section teaches you how to select and build the leadsystemadapted, whether the lead clip (also called Safety Clip),thehelicopter assembly (Chod Rig) or the In-line editing. Therearemany types of systems on the market shot, but most of thesearevariants of the above mentioned arrangements. Updates willpresentsome of these variations.Nodes:9 knots mainly used for carp fishing: The knotless knot, nodespoon,The Albright Knot, The Grinner knot, Palomar knot, The KnotTrilene,The Hangman knot, the knot Dropper loop and Barilnode.Bait:Most baits, boilies to pellets and particles (seeds) tobloodwormspresented with many details about the uses anddifferentbrandsknown.Canes:Types of rods used for carp fishing, their maincharacteristics(action, power and length) explained, but alsoadvice onmanufacturers, price range and choose which type ofrod.Reels:The components of the reel (with photos of eachpart),characteristics, manufacturers and price ranges.Priming and fishing techniques:This section is very useful for preparing a fishing session ortoget new ideas while fishing.Tips and Tricks:A very high degree of persuasion was used to extract these tipsfromour experts. Follow them to succeed!Carp Fishing Fishing by Clear was developed in Europe. Formoreinformation visit:
Pesca nelle acque dolci Lite 2.0
Questa versione “lite” gratuita èstataconcepita per i principianti della pesca e offre 72articolichiari, semplici e ben strutturati.Voi troverete:- una soluzione per la vostra prima attrezzatura da pesca- 5 montature fondamentali (spiegate con chiare immaginiedistruzioni passo per passo)- 3 dei nodi da pesca più usati (con immagini ed istruzionipassoper passo)- come e dove prendere 3 dei più popolari pesci d’acquadolce(diffusione, dove trovarli, attrezzatura, esche naturaliedartificiali, etc.)- i migliori posti di pesca sui fiumi e nelle acque ferme- 3 delle esche più efficaci usate nella pesca in acquadolce(utilizzo, specie interessate, vantaggi, svantaggi,consigli)La sezione “Tecniche” offre 3 articoli:- come si misura la profondità- come si piomba un galleggiante- come si lancia sopra la testaOgnuna di queste 3 tecniche è spiegata in maniera chiaraeintuitiva con foto chiare e/o video.La sezione “La cassetta dell’attrezzatura” presenta unasoluzionepratica per organizzare la vostra attrezzatura e offre 6articolisulle varie componenti dell’attrezzatura.Nella sezione “L’attrezzatura” troverete 45 articolichiaramenteillustrati che spiegano le anatomie di un amo, deimulinelli edelle canne, le loro caratteristiche e i loro tipi.Nella sezione “Consigli e trucchi” vi presentiamo 3partiinformative utili ricavate da pescatori amatoriali eagonisti.Nella versione completa di Pesca nelle acque dolci –ClearFishing potete scoprire come si prendono le 33 piùimportantispecie di pesci d’acqua dolce. Le 9 sezionidell’applicazioneoffrono ulteriori articoli sulle tecniche dipesca, le montature,le esche artificiali, quelle naturali e gliinneschi, i nodi, ifili, l’attrezzatura, i consigli e itrucchi.Potete dare uno sguardo alle altre applicazioni di pescalanciatein 7 lingue sotto il marchio internazionale Clear Fishing.Abbiamoprogettato e strutturato le informazioni con attenzione peraiutarvia fare esperienza con più successo nelle vostre uscite dipesca.Le applicazioni di Clear Fishing sono state create da un teamdipescatori agonisti, consulenti, giornalisti di pescasportiva,artisti della grafica, animatori, fotografi, editorieprogrammatori da più di sei Paesi. Negli ultimi dieci anniabbiamoofferto ai pescatori riviste, guide, eventi e competizioni,fiereed esibizioni, siti web, applicazioni per telefonia mobileealtro.This "lite" versionFreeis designed for beginners fishing articles and features 72clear,simple and well structured.You will find:- A solution for your first fishing tackle- 5 key frames (explained with clear pictures and step bystepinstructions)- 3 of the most commonly used fishing knots (with pictures andstepby step instructions)- How and where to take 3 of the most popular freshwaterfish(diffusion, where to find them, tackle, bait andartificial,etc.)- The best places for fishing on rivers and still waters- 3 of the most effective baits used in fishing in fresh water(usethe species concerned, advantages, disadvantages, tips)The "Techniques" offers 3 items:- How do you measure the depth- As a float falls- How to throw over his headEach of these 3 techniques are explained in a clear andintuitiveinterface with clear photos and / or videos.The section "The box of equipment" presents a practicalsolutionfor organizing your gear and features 6 articles onvariouscomponents of the equipment.In the section "equipment" you will find 45 articles thatexplainclearly illustrated the anatomy of a hook, reels and rods,theircharacteristics and their types.In the section "Tips and Tricks" we present three sharesusefulinformation obtained from fishermen and amateur racers.In the full version of Fishing in fresh waters - ClearFishingcan find out how to take the 33 most important speciesoffreshwater fish. The 9 sections of the application havemorearticles on fishing techniques, frames, artificial baits,naturalones and triggers, nodes, wires, equipment, tips andtricks.You can take a look at the other fishing applications run in7languages ​​under the international brand Clear Fishing. Wehavedesigned and structured information carefully to helpyouexperience more success in your fishing trips.The applications of Clear Fishing have been created by a teamoffishermen agonists, consultants, journalists, sportsfishing,graphic artists, animators, photographers, editors andprogrammersfor more than six countries. Over the past ten years wehaveoffered to fishermen magazines, guides, events andcompetitions,fairs and exhibitions, websites, mobile applicationsand more.